How To Cure Aphantasia - and Phantasia Too!

How To Cure Aphantasia - and Phantasia Too!

Larry Neal Gowdy - Copyright ©2023 - December 15, 2023

Francois Boucher — The Genies of Art

(PD) Francois Boucher — The Genies of Art

How detailed is one's imaginary imagery?

(Photo modifications by Larry Neal Gowdy)

Quotes from Pathological Science Emotions #4.

"...over 99.9% of the general population literally cannot usefully describe a sensory perception, cannot describe an emotion, and cannot consciously observe much of any details (e.g. Aristotle and James' lists of emotions and facial expressions)."

"Aristotle's emotions were all negative except for the possible exclusions of calmness, friendship, kindness, and pity, which could all still be negative if expressed selfishly or with an underlying rage. Of the many good and positive emotions that exist, why were none listed within Aristotle's list?"

"Nevertheless, living scientists usually list six to seven emotions, but the lists are very similar to the philosophical lists, and the scientific lists tend to be limited to anger, fear, enjoyment, disgust, and sadness... Another modern list includes surprise."

"For a hundred years science has recognized that negative emotions are damaging to the mind, the body, the family, society, the very human species itself, and to all other living beings, and yet no known scientist will act according to the knowledge."

Aphantasia Cures? Why Change What Already Works Well?

The countless false claims about 'aphantasia' being a mental problem has resulted in many 'aphantasia' individuals believing that they have low intelligence, because, the false claims said so.

The fake claims state that 'phantasia' people are smart because they "without conscious thought" involuntarily see imaginary images in their minds. The claims of high intelligence are false, and proven to be so, because, the claims are all based upon an utter absence of knowing what the differences are between different manners of thought processing. The people claiming of themselves to be smart because they see imaginary imagery, they cannot so much as describe their own thoughts, and far less are the people able to comprehend how other people think.

Observe that of the people claiming that their 'phantasia' is superior to 'aphantasia', most or all of the people also believe in science. The scientific method demands firsthand observations. The 'phantasia' individuals performed no firsthand observations. The 'phantasia' people simply made stuff up and then claimed that their imaginations are true truth. The 'phantasia' individuals are hypocrites for claiming to believe in science while the individuals simultaneously deny the necessity of the scientific method. The 'phantasia' individuals openly exhibited severe mental problems.

Aphantasia is not a mental problem. Known 'aphantasia' individuals have the highest IQs, the highest SQs, highest musical skills, highest artistry skills, highest sensory perceptions, highest reasoning, highest technical skills, and highest memory retention within the known population. None of the individuals are dumb enough to believe that seeing hallucinations implies superior intelligence.

The internet is growing busy with websites and social media people claiming to actually see imaginary imagery as vividly as seeing the image with their eyes open, and, the people are claiming that it is a good thing. Since no known self-description of phantasia includes a description of one's mental processes that occur when a person 'sees' vivid imaginary imagery, then there is not yet sufficient reason to assume that the vivid imaginary imagery arrives from a healthy mind.

According to Wictionary: "hallucination (sensory perception of something that does not exist)".

If 'phantasia' individuals' pupils dilate when the individuals imagine imaginary imagery, then might that suggest "sensory perception of something that does not exist"? Yes? No? Prove it.

From The Winston Dictionary College Edition, ©Copyright 1943: "hallucination [Lat. hallucinari (-atus), to wander in mind] popularly, a false impression or a belief in something imaginary; a delusion: Psych., a perception of things, sounds, or other objects of sense, seemingly vivid and real, but not aroused by immediate sensory experience; unusually pathological. — adj. hallucinatory, Syn. illusion, perception, impression, (See delusion.)" "Pathological 1. pertaining to the science of disease; 2. due to disease"

According to the academic pupillary dilation projects, the pupils of people with 'phantasia' expand when imagining imaginary imagery, which suggests that the 'phantasia' people's minds are interpreting the imaginary imagery as actually seeing the imaginary imagery with their eyes — "not aroused by immediate sensory experience".

Where does imagination end, and hallucinations begin? The fake claims against 'aphantasia' are imaginary, made-up, false, and not based upon evidence nor upon sound reasoning, which sums to the obvious: the claims are pathological.

Pause, Think, Make the Smart Choice

It is unfortunate that numerous 'aphantasia' individuals have permitted themselves to believe in the fake claims, and, more unfortunately, is that the individuals are now trying to learn how to imagine imaginary pictures in their mind like how 'phantasia' people do.

If you believe of yourself as being 'aphantasia', and you believe that you have a mental defect, then please pause a few days and think it over: spend time thinking about how the people with 'phantasia' have made false claims, and judge for yourself whether you want to risk your mental health on doing something that ignorant people tell you do.

Once a person has altered their mind's manner of thinking (or changed their gender's physical appearances), the person cannot go back. If the person made a mistake, and later discovers that it was a mistake, it won't matter because it will already be too late; the damage is permanent, and there is no going back: ever.

Too, attempting to force oneself to imagine imaginary imagery, could very easily result in hallucinations that grow worse as the person ages. Look at what the 'phantasia' people have falsely claimed: why would you want to think like they do?

Known 'aphantasia' individuals mentally recall and mentally recreate what the senses sensed. The 'aphantasia' person is able to intricately recall intricate details of what was sensed. The intricate details are recalled and placed into the mind's present moment, enabling the 'aphantasia' individual to know and to vocally describe the details of what was sensed, as well as to describe how the person's mind has reformed the mental concepts of what had been sensed. 'Phantasia' individuals cannot so much as intricately describe their one imaginary imagery.

To an 'aphantasia' individual, their thoughts may be as a huge symphony of musical instruments, motions, aromas, tastes, sights, and countless more details of what the individual had firsthand experienced while with open eyes. As has been recorded of most all 'phantasia' individuals, there is no symphony, no details, no multi-sensory harmony, no descriptions of mental processes, and almost nothing else beyond literally 'seeing' an imaginary image in their mind. Why would an 'aphantasia' individual wish to limit their mind to only being capable of seeing imaginary images?

If your muscles are weak, then why not lift weights to strengthen the muscles? Similarly, if your mind is dull, then why not exercise the mind? Muscles do not magically become strong, nor do minds magically become smart. The path of being unable to think well is called 'laziness'. The path of being able to think well is called 'effort'. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if a person is 'phantasia' or 'aphantasia'; they will always remain stupid until they exert the effort to think.

For far too many people, 'aphantasia' is an easy 'woe-is-me' excuse for being lazy.

If you are an 'aphantasia' (or 'phantasia') person looking for a 'cure', then here it is: stop being so lazy! Think! Observe! Give effort to sense the world around you! Choose positive emotions! And stop being so blasted lazy!

Ah, but will people choose to not be lazy? Of course not. It is much easier to curl-up in the corner of a room and say 'I cain't do nuttin' cuz I's gots autism and aphantasia and phantasia and and and...'. Lazy people also believe that lazily memorizing words somehow makes the people smart: "Tiny person learning, enter ear, come-out mouth". The normal human simply does not possess the mental ability to exert mental effort.

Don't be normal!

Think! Thinking Is Not A Sin!

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 6: speaks of "think several thoughts simultaneously". From Pathological Science Emotions, Lewis Terman of the Stanford-Binet IQ tests stated: "The stupid person... characterized by a huge tolerance for absurd contradictions... Intellectual discrimination and judgment are inferior. The ideas do not cross-light each other, but remain relatively isolated. Hence, the most absurd contradictions are swallowed, so to speak, without arousing the protest of the critical faculty."

When imagining an imaginary image, why is there no other simultaneous conscious thought? A person cannot cross-light ideas if the person only has the singular thought of an imaginary image. By Lewis Terman's own definitions, 'phantasia' describes itself as being the behavior of "stupid" people.

Terman is also quoted in Pathological Science Beauty #14 where he spoke of aesthetics being a marker of low intelligence: "The development of the sesthetic sense parallels general mental growth rather closely. The imbecile of 4-year intelligence, even though he may have lived forty years, has no more chance of passing this test than any other test in year V." No known 'phantasia' person on earth has ever adequately described what beauty is, and, thus, if Terman's IQ tests and science are valid as almost everyone on earth believes, then 'phantasia' people are 'imbeciles' (the same applies to most everyone else also).

Lazy people see a 'purty picture', and that is all the conscious thinking that occurs. Thinking people have several dozen conscious thoughts running simultaneously, with each thought constantly being logically compared and weighed to the other ('cross-lighting'). Neither 'phantasia' nor 'aphantasia' magically enables thinking. Self-effort enables thinking.

100% of all academic translations of ancient Chinese texts have "absurd contradictions". 100% of all scientific and academic papers on 'phantasia - aphantasia' have "absurd contradictions". Neither hallucinations nor a 'blind' mind is able to avoid contradictions if the person is too lazy to think multiple conscious thoughts simultaneously.


With two words, all of modern science's beliefs about the 'phantasia' topic can be proven utterly false. It really is that simple. If scientists were not so blasted lazy, they would already know what the two words are.

"At the heart of this seminal work is the revolutionary idea that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but was a learned process that emerged, through cataclysm and catastrophe, from a hallucinatory mentality only three thousand years ago and that is still developing." (Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, ©Copyright 1975, 1990)

It is being said that 'phantasia' people visibly see imaginary imagery when they close their eyes, and, that the imagery arrives "without conscious thought".

From The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 3: "What if the normal person actually does not have consciousness nor memory formations like other known genres? Could it be possible for a human to function with such an empty mind? The answer is deeply disturbing: the answer is "yes"."

Scientists', academicians', and philosophers' lists of emotions are all negative, selfish, and callous, with no positive emotions whatsoever. Inferior minds are unable to express positive emotions. Beware of whom you follow.

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