The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 6

You might be smarter than what you assume

if you think several thoughts simultaneously.

It is obvious: the normal person does not think several thoughts simultaneously.

(©2017 Larry Gowdy - Mermaid Effect) It is obvious: the normal person does not think several thoughts simultaneously.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2022 July 28, 2022

That which is simple and obvious to some people, is impossible to other people.

It is obvious: place an apple and an orange on a kitchen counter; the fruits will decay, stink, and turn to dust, but they will not interact to create a new universe. It is obvious.

Two things sitting motionless, will never interact. It is obvious everywhere throughout Nature.

But some of the individuals within the 'smartest people on earth' lists have claimed that the universe began as a binary; that of two stationary things that somehow interacted to create the universe. None of the believers in a binary creation are able to explain how two inanimate objects could possibly come into existence by themselves, let alone be able to interact to create the universe, but still the believers believe the belief to be true truth.

Physicist John Wheeler believed that "...what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions... of it from bit...".

As discussed within Tao Mutually Arising, author Alan Watts (as well as many who believe popular interpretations of Daodejing) believed of the Tao as being "When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, there is already ugliness; When everyone recognizes goodness as good, there is already evil. "To be" and "not to be" arise mutually; Difficult and easy are mutually realized; Long and short are mutually contrasted; High and low are mutually posited; ... Before and after are in mutual sequence. To see this is to see that good without evil is like up without down...".

All mathematics is also the act of measuring binary points while denying that anything exists in-between the points.

There, from ancient writings to today's topmost scientists and the 'smartest people on earth', all known writings of the topic speak of binary. When a group of billions of writings all omit evidence of parallel thinking, then it is sufficient enough evidence that none of the authors were able to consciously think several thoughts simultaneously.

A very specific mental attribute precludes the possibility of an individual to think simultaneous thoughts. All known individuals in the 'smartest people on earth' lists had the specific mental attribute. None of the individuals in the 'smartest people on earth' lists were smart.

If you are able to see an apple and an orange sitting on a kitchen counter, and then consciously apply three or more simultaneous thoughts that rationalize that the apple and orange cannot interact to create a new universe, then you are smarter than everyone in the known 'smartest people on earth' lists.


The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 1

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 2

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 3

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 4

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 5

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 7