The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 7

You might be smarter than what you assume

if you know what beauty is.

It is obvious: the normal person does not know what beauty is.

(PD) It is obvious: the normal person does not know what beauty is.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2022 July 28, 2022

All living beings sense beauty, but almost no one on earth knows what beauty is. Scientists do not know, biologists do not know, nor do academicians, theologians, philosophers, ideologists, and mystics know what beauty is.

Never in the history of mankind has any known person ever written of the nature of beauty. If there does not exist a written description of beauty, then that is sufficient enough evidence to prove that none of the authors knew what beauty is.

Though the author(s) of Daodejing spoke of beauty, still it is obvious that the author(s) did not know what beauty is.

Author Alan Watts wrote and spoke at length of the "beautiful" and "ugliness" within Tao, but it is very obvious that he himself did not know what beauty is.

Albert Einstein did not know what beauty is, nor of why religions exist, nor of anything else about the human mind.

No system of belief knows what beauty is. Countless mystics have made claims of how great their ideologies are, but within the mystics' own words they proved of themselves to not know what they claimed to know, which also proved their ideologies to be fully false.

No individual in the known 'smartest people on earth' lists knew what beauty is. None of the individuals in the 'smartest people on earth' lists were smart.

Beauty exists. Beauty must exist, else there would be no living being on earth.

From Panpsychism: "Panpsychism is written anthropomorphically, of inserting human characteristics into non-human objects, but the opposite should have occurred, that of inserting non-human objects' characteristics into the human." Nature existed first, man existed last. Beauty existed first, man's beauty existed last. Nature rules man, man does not rule Nature.

Most everyone on earth deeply believes in science and science's physics, but all science believers deny science's physics when the believers speak of what beauty is.

All teachers in all government schools teach students falsehoods. Teachers and governments mandate that all students believe in science's physics, but the same teachers and governments deny science's physics (laws of Nature) when forcing children to believe in the lie that all humans are identical. One of the greatest lies of history has always been the act of governments telling little children that the children have a mental problem if they are able to sense personal differences between people and species. Nature's laws (physics) dictate everyone's sense of beauty. Nature rules man, governments cannot legislate-away the laws of Nature.

Anyone and everyone who is unable to intricately describe beauty, ought to admit to not knowing what physics is. Believers of science, philosophies, and/or ideologies ought to admit that the believers do not sincerely believe in their own gods' creation.

Again, if an individual is unable to consciously think three or more thoughts simultaneously, then the individual can never know what beauty is. Throughout the history of mankind, no scientist, philosopher, ideologist, nor mystic ever described what beauty is, which proves that none of the individuals knew what beauty is, while also proving that everything that they believed in was false.

If you are able to intricately describe what beauty is, then you are smarter than about 99.99999% of everyone in the world, including everyone in the known 'smartest people on earth' lists.


The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 1

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 2

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 3

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 4

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 5

The World's Smartest Man on Earth, Might Be You : Part 6