People Believe Obvious Lies Because They Cannot See

People Believe Obvious Lies Because They Cannot See


Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2023 August 09, 2023

An Experiment Proves that People Believe Obvious Lies

As an example to prove a point, a teacher told a class that two circles (projected onto a projection screen) were not the same size. When the teacher asked who in the class believed that the red circle is the larger one, several students raised their hands. When the teacher then asked who believed that the blue circle is the larger one, again several students raised their hands. Which circle do you believe is larger?

The usefulness of the little experiment was to prove that most people will literally believe most anything that a teacher (or any other 'authority' figure) tells the people to believe (the Milgram experiment also comes to mind). The above circles are of the same height and size. Both are coded as being 100 pixels of size. Videos of the experiment prove that most people are gullible enough to believe what scholars tell them to believe, including believing things that are visibly and obviously false.

Countless scholar-philosophers have claimed that " imitates the shapes of a hunchback". Most people do indeed believe what the scholar-philosophers have told them to believe. Does resemble and/or infer a hunchback man to you? If you disagree with the scholars, and if you voice your disagreement, then you will be hated by everyone who believes that scholars speak truth.

All known scholars also claim that means "evil" and "hate". Most people do believe that means evil and hate, regardless of the fact that the people are unable to see what the word implies.

The behavior, of using your own eyes, and self-thinking for yourself, is anathema to those who believe in scholars and science.

People Believe Obvious Lies Because the People Cannot See

When some of us said that we can see more colors than what science claimed to be possible, we were violently hated on by sciencians demanding that no one can see more colors than what the scholar-philosophers had told the sciencians to believe. Years later, science finally accepted the fact that some people can indeed see more colors than what the sciencians themselves are able to see, and, science gave the sensory ability a new philosophical noun-name: tetrachromacy. Tetrachromacy is a wrong word with a wrong explanation, but still sciencians will believe anything that scholar-philosophers tell the sciencians to believe.

There is another quality of vision that has not been spoken of. Of all known records throughout history, only one man openly spoke of the quality, and he only spoke of it in a round-about way. A description of the quality will not be spoken of by people who have the ability, because, the people know that they will be violently hated on by sciencians.

The Sensory Quotient (SQ) tests measure the visual quality. By combining historical records, scientific records, and the SQ results, it was verified that over 99.999% of all people do not have the visual quality. Without the visual quality, the result is...