Every One Has an Unalienable Right of Thinking For Himself

Inalienable Right To Think For Oneself

Power Belongs to the People

Bill of Rights 1789

(PD) Bill of Rights 1789.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2023 February 15, 2023

Politics is often boring and simply not important enough (nor worthy enough) to waste time thinking about, but, sometimes it can useful to make use of political debates for the purpose of comparing how people have approached parallel topics throughout history.

It is obvious that almost all known nations today are subjected to burdensome rule by the nations' governments. An interesting document was recently given to me that spoke of how North Carolina's delegates had held debates in 1788 over the question of whether or not to join the Union. Within the document, the concerns of the anti-federalists' still ring very true today: when a people let someone else to rule over one's own inalienable human rights, then it is assured that the governing body will become abusive, oppressive, violent, and tyrannical.

All nations have suffered from tyranny, slavery, injustice, and genocide (the trail of tears will never be forgotten nor forgiven), and all nations will continue to suffer until people stand up and think for themselves.

Having researched the document's original source, it appears to have been written by the North Carolina History Project and titled Hillsborough Convention of 1788. Below is an excerpt; the brief article is worthy of being read in its entirety.

"The Antifederalists... were particularly wary of a government that had the ability to encroach on individual liberty and states' rights. ...Federalists failed to assuage Antifederalists' fears that the Constitution would one day concentrate power at the national level and enable the government to chip away at states' rights and individual liberty. The possibility of abuse of the powers of levying taxes, appointing government officials, and instituting a strong court system was of particular concern to the Antifederalist majority. ...The Antifederalist majority concurred with delegate William Gowdy of Guilford County, when he remarked: "Power belongs originally to the people, but if rulers be not well guarded, that power may be usurped from them." Without a bill of rights protecting such liberties, the U.S. Constitution would not be ratified..." (Hillsborough Convention of 1788, North Carolina History Project, ©2013)

The Hillsborough Convention of 1788 article derived some of its information from the North Carolina Ratification Convention Debates, July 24, 1788. The following are a select few quotes of the debates. Sentences of immediate interest are given in italic bold.

"Mr. Caldwell observed, that though this government did not resemble the European governments, it still partook of the nature of a compact. That he conceived those principles which he proposed to be just, but was willing that any others which should be thought better, should be substituted in their place.

Mr. Maclaine—Mr. Chairman, The gentleman has taken his principles from sources which cannot hold here. In England the government is a compact between the King and the people. I hope it is not so here. We shall have no officers in the situation of a King. The people here are the origin of all power. Our governors are elected temporarily. We can remove them occasionally, and put others in their stead. We do not bind ourselves. We are to consider whether this system will promote our happiness.

Mr. Goudy—Mr. Chairman, I wonder that these gentlemen learned in the law should quibble upon words. I care not whether it be called a compact, agreement, covenant, bargain or what: Its intent is a concession of power on the part of the people to their rulers. We know that private interest governs mankind generally. Power belongs originally to the people, but if rulers be not well guarded, that power may be usurped from them. People ought to be cautious in giving away power. These gentlemen say there is no occasion for general rules. Every one has one for himself. Every one has an unalienable right of thinking for himself. There can be no inconvenience from laying down general rules. If we give away more power than we ought, we put ourselves in the situation of man who puts on an iron glove, which he can never take off till he breaks his arm. Let us beware of the iron glove of tyranny. Power is generally taken from the people by imposing on their understanding or by fetters. Let us lay down certain rules to govern our proceedings. It will be highly proper in my opinion, and I very much wonder that gentlemen should object to it.

Mr. Iredell—Mr. Chairman, The gentleman who spoke last mistook what the gentleman from Wilmington and myself have said. In my opinion there ought to be a line drawn, as accurately as possible, between the power which is given and that which is retained. In this system the line is most accurately drawn by the positive grant of the powers of the general government. But a compact between the rulers and the ruled, which gentlemen compare this government with, is certainly not the principle of our government. Will any man say, that if there be a compact, it can be altered without the consent of both parties? Those who govern, unless they grossly abuse their trust (which is held an implied violation of the compact, and therefore a dissolution of it) have a right to say they do not choose the government should be changed. But have any of the officers of our government a right to say so if the people choose to change it? Surely they have not. Therefore, as a general principle, it can never apply to a government where the people are avowedly the fountain of all power. I have no manner of objection to the most explicit declaration that all power depends upon the people, because, though it will not strengthen their rights it may be a means of fixing them on a plainer foundation."

Regardless of the fact that all of the delegates made some errors of judgment, William Goudy's (William Gowdy's) comments appeared to be the moment's most noteworthy: "Power belongs originally to the people, but if rulers be not well guarded, that power may be usurped from them. People ought to be cautious in giving away power. ...Every one has an unalienable right of thinking for himself."

If a nation were to invade the USA, then I would be at the front line defending my neighborhood, state, and nation, but when politicians told me to go to a foreign nation and kill men, women, and children without so much as a declaration of war, my reply was a firm and unwavering "NO!". People today have given away their own "unalienable right of thinking for himself", having instead chosen to let themselves be herded and pushed around as farm animals. Farm animals have no standards of self-values, nor do the people who give away their "unalienable right of thinking for himself" have standards of self-value. Self-thinking enables an individual to learn how to say "NO!" to injustice, and mean it.

'Noble son bosom justice, tiny people bosom materialism' (draft translation variation of Li Ren #11).

Not too many years ago, government employees were named 'civil servants', whose occupations helped their states and nation. Civil servants are not kings, gods, nor slave masters; they are each citizen's employee. You are the boss, government employees are supposed to be your employees who help you with your business.

Mr. Iredell—Mr. Chairman, ...In other countries, where the origin of government is obscure, and its formation different from ours, government may be deemed a contract between the rulers and the people. What is the consequence? A compact cannot be annulled but by the consent of both parties; therefore, unless the rulers are guilty of oppression, the people, on the principle of a compact, have no right to new model their government. This is held to be the principle of some monarchical governments in Europe. Our government is founded on much nobler principles. The people are known with certainty to have originated it themselves. Those in power are their servants and agents, and the people without their consent may new model their government whenever they think proper, not merely because it is oppressively exercised, but because they think another form will be more conducive to their welfare.

Mr. Spencer— ...I conceive that it will retard the business to accede to the proposal of the learned gentleman. The observation which has been made in its behalf does not apply to the president circumstances. When there is a King or other Governor, there is a compact between him and the people. It is then a covenant; but in this case, in regard to the government which it is proposed we should adopt, there are no governors or rulers, we being the people who possess all power. It strikes me, that when a society of free people agree on a plan of government, there are no governors in existence, but those who administer the government are their servants.

Mr. Joseph Taylor—Mr. Chairman, ...I am astonished that the servants of the Legislature of North-Carolina should go to Philadelphia, and instead of speaking of the state of North-Carolina, should speak of the people.

Today, far too many government employees (including teachers) believe that they rule as gods and kings over all citizens, and the government employees also believe that they are free to commit any violence and crime against humanity that the government employees lust to commit. A known officer's training academy began with approximately 95% of the cadets being good people, but by the time that the training was finished, about 95% of the cadets had learned to be abusive of everyone while the cadets believed of themselves to have power over everyone, including all civilians. The government's public schools have become a prime example of extreme perversions and violence being committed upon little children by government employees. The Bill of Rights may still exist, but almost no government employee honors the rights written.

But here, the sum remains the same regardless of whether the topic is about politics, human nature, sciences, ideologies, or anything else; think for yourself. No one is your owner, nor your boss. You alone are responsible for your own thoughts and behavior. Self-thinking ought to occur always for everything.