Alo and De Sound Name

Alo and De Sound Name #71

Alo and De Sound Name

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 November 18, 2018

Tom: My parents had given me a common name. 'Tom' is fine, and likely many good people share the name of Tom, but I always wanted something more like our people's names, like Morning Dove's name. I always thought 'Morning Dove' was a cool name, maybe partly because mourning doves are best heard in the cool of morning. But, I wanted something cooler, more fun. I thought the name 'Runs with Scissors' would be good. It'd give everyone a smile while also letting me have more fun by not always being serious.

Alo: Ha! Yes, a very unique name! And definitely fun!

Tom: Unfortunately, I saw a girl who used the same name as a nickname, so, I then chose 'Plays with Matches'!

Alo: Hahaha! Oh! That is funny!

Yan: Hahaha! Makes me feel a concern to not stand too close to you!

Tom: Ha! Yes! And it makes me more cautious when near fire! Ha! But seriously, many of the old names were important to our people, and too, the name given has a tendency to cause the person with the name to grow up with similar behaviors.

Alo: Yes... rhythm and meaning of name, lends rhythm and meaning to one's life...

Yan: Also, sometimes, as if a foreknowing of one's life... like Jun's name... not chosen on purpose, but became a true meaning... 'also, equal, even'... cannot get much closer for an identical twin...

Alo: As is De's name... character, goodness, kind, kindness, morality... 'also' for Jun... name meanings were not known by parents... but name meanings became true...

Tom: And that intrigues me. 'Running Wolf', a name like that will surely lead a child to become a good runner. Just follow his own name.

Alo: True... but also cultural... one wonderful name, amongst our people, has great meaning, very important... but same name, in a different culture, can mean something bad. Same name can also be pronounced different in different cultures... sound good in our culture, pronounced bad in another culture...

Tom: I guess that'd be true. In the city culture, 'Running Wolf' might relate to a bad person running from the law. Interesting differences.

Yan: Funny... a common name amongst outsiders, has a similar pronunciation amongst the west culture, but the name in the west culture implies 'my lord'... a man with that name, he told his wife how to pronounce his name as the west people do, and, to also bow as the west people do when speaking the name. Ha!

Tom: I bet his wife didn't do it!

Yan: Ha! No! She sure did not! But it was a fun joke... the man and his wife laughed a lot about it...

Alo: And look at Yan's name... in the west culture, it means 'explain, inquire, opinion, talk', also the name of a student of one of the men who wrote the ancient books... today, Yan is living his name's meaning... names given, unintentionally, but closely match unknown meanings... are as if coincidences, maybe just not enough different names, but still spooky in a way...

De: Environment... spirit harmonizes... follows...

Alo: Yes, agreed... the sounds often heard, become one's own... smells mold one's life... sights, mold one's life... the sound and rhythm of one's name, molds one's life... Nature's way... cannot leave Nature's way, even if a person had to...

Tom: Then that also means how we speak to each other is forming the other person's life. Interesting idea, and a heavy responsibility too. The city people, they do indeed adapt to and follow the harsh sounds, stinks, and dirtiness of their environment. But this is so obvious to me now! How could the people have behaved differently?

Alo: Yes... the reasons of behaviors are composed of one's environment, but, people do have the choice to not accept a bad environment...

Tom: True. I eventually said 'no' to city life, and left. The other people could do the same if they wanted to.

Alo: True... and, then, what might be a good name, to match the rhythm of your act of choosing a good choice?

De: Not follow others... beat one's own drum...

Alo: Ha! Oh that is so close!

Tom: Ha! Sure is! 'Tom-tom'!

Yan: Hahaha! There! Your name was right all along! Just not said enough times!

Tom: Ha! Apparently so! And I didn't even know it! Now my wishing for a better name has disappeared. Ah, I really do like Tom-Tom, and I can now excuse my frequent loudness by saying that I'm only following the rhythm and meaning of my name! Ha!

Alo: Ha! Yes!

Tom: But then that again makes me think about how people talk to each other. Harsh words do indeed negatively affect all people, even if the people don't realize it. And too, kind words also affect people, but in a positive way.

Alo: Agreed... if a person wishes to live in a beautiful neighborhood, then begin by speaking gently and mindfully to all people... the ancient words spoke of similar... not need to have perfect heart first... must begin somewhere... begin with one's own words... cleanse the earth by first cleansing the earth under one's own feet.

Tom: That is also useful for what the elders have talked about for the people leasing our lands. I think we'll have to include that in the story book.

Alo: People like to follow... follow piper... follow rhythm of drum... to be the drum... heavy responsibility also...

Tom: Sure is. Ha! Now, now I'm not sure if I want that responsibility.

Alo: The best man for a job, is a man who has the best skill, but also, humble... not venerate self...

Yan: Tom, your life... best skill of understanding city people... best skill of understanding what hurt is... no one else of our people, has similar skill...

Tom: But... I just want to help people, not become their leader. Leading is for people who want to be at the front, standing on a stage, having all people look at him and follow him. I'm not suited to be a leader, it literally physically nauseates me to think of being a leader.

Alo: Best leader, is never in front... best leader, is in center... one of the people... only the man in center can understand what the people need... not lead, but guide... guide by explaining... letting the people make their own choice... big difference...