Alo and De Secrets

Alo and De Secrets #46

Alo and De Secrets

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 October 21, 2018

Alo: It is a little humorous... people sometimes forget that other people can hear one speak... can hear one's voice... and my grin, it gives no blame, but... still I smile, my knowing that sometimes people do forget that other people can hear a person's voice.

Yan: Funny, I have been smiling for a similar reason... secrets cannot be hidden... voices, the tones of voices, describe what is hidden within...

Alo: The old words that you and I have begun to interpret... 'Poem say: "Secret, even-if hidden -carry, likewise cave-hole it obvious." So junzi inside save not sorrow, not bad of ambition. Junzi place not able reach person-ist, it only man, his place not appear similar.'... 'Poem say: "Secret, even if carried hidden inside, likewise a cave-hole is obvious." So quality man inside save not sorrow, not bad of ambition. Quality man's place not able to reach by people who carry secrets, quality man's place, it only man, his place not appear open as a cave-hole.'

Yan: Hidden zithers... still heard outside of the cave hole...

Alo: Ha! Yes!

Jun: You two are talking about De and I! You are! I know it! Ha!

Yan: Yes we are, my beautiful wife... we know that you and De are hiding a secret... we can hear it in your voices, as well as within your aromas and the tensenesses of body movements... the tones of your voices, and aromas, are, as, if, angled, accented, of thoughts that are not a portion of the thoughts behind your words.

Alo: Yes, the secret is not big... not important... and not harmful... but still there, waiting, waiting for a time to be made open. Yan and I, we smile wide, knowing that our wives are conspiring about something that relates to us... but we do not pry to discern what the conspiracy might be... we wish to permit you to surprise us, later, when you feel the time is right to tell us what your secret is.

De: Ha! We should have known better... not even our playfulness can be hidden for long!

Jun: And I cannot now pretend to make my planned mistake! Ha!

Yan: Wow... truly sisters!

Alo: Ha! Yes! Becoming more like the other... scary, and my nervous grin...

Yan: Ha! Me too!

Alo: But, the poem's idea was very valid... people often hide things within themselves, but the people do not realize that their behavior is as a cave entrance, large enough for others to easily look inside.

Yan: Yes, hear the sounds, smell the camp fire, smell the foods cooking... know what is happening inside the cave.

Alo: Sometimes people attempt to hide their inner selves by draping a different kind of cloth upon their bodies... the people believe that their hearts can be hidden by which clothes are worn...

Yan: True... some people wear elaborate clothes, pretending to be elaborate inside... other people wear the uniforms of venerated occupations, the people wishing to trick other people into believing that the uniform is the sole mark of one's value.

Alo: But it is indeed interesting, to wonder how far it might be possible to change one's style of clothing, before the change causes a loss of mindfulness...

Yan: I have seen many different styles... to the west, some had open collars, some had short collars, some had taller collars... some sleeves open, some sleeves tighter... all styles were appropriate for the people's cultures.

Alo: Main thing, however, is to remain calm... remain mindful... centeredness, not focused on outside... bright clothes distract... distract from one's beauty... distract from one's mindfulness...

De: They read the same words...

Jun: Yes, apparently so.

Yan: Well of course! Ha!

Alo: Angle of voice tone... leaned to the right... lower, quieter, flowing towards the back... attempting to remain hidden... ratios of accent rose and fell relative to different topics... parallels of ratios that mirrored common things... personal... to be shared with husband... little shared with others... a change of something of one's own that others see... yes, of the many other variables within the tones, the tones spoke of clothing, as did the emotions agree, as well as did the aromas of emotions agree... yes, Yan and I knew very quickly, but we did not pry further... we wished for our wives to enjoy their playful little secret.

Yan: We trust our wives...

Jun: ... At first I felt a little disappointed at not being able to surprise, but then, what Yan said... now my heart is warm... there is no need to hide...

De: No need to fib either... oh! But Alo and Yan were fibbing also! They pretended at first to not know! Ha! Fibbers!

Alo: Ha! Guilty!

Yan: Interesting also... why did Jun and De not immediately recognize our own secret? I suspect it was because they were trying to hide their own... as the poem and comment said, people who hide secrets, cannot find quality man's place... cannot see cave entrance... mindfulness, absent...

Alo: Excellent point...