Alo and De Rut #86

Alo and De Rut #86

Alo and De Rut

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 December 10, 2018

Alo: 'Dao', in modern language, means, like, 'deep rut'... the path already exists... path, one size fits all... the path has been traveled by many people... ground is worn... soil is dirty. People follow rut, because, believe the rut has a destination... has, an ending... believe in boundaries... people believe in words, walk the rut, and believe a treasure awaits under a rainbow. Now... a thousand years from now, who will know what 'rainbow treasure' means?

Yan: Ha! Likely no one...

Alo: Agreed... and, turkey cranberry sauce... obvious today... will not be obvious in the future... similar, is ancient culture... their ways, cannot be known today... ancient words cannot be sure of meaning...

De: Hearts different also... ingredients of life, different also...

Alo: Yes... one's own history dictates what words mean to one's self... one's own words, cannot clearly relate to ancient words, nor, to anyone living today...

Yan: Jingle bells... funny... so very obvious... say one or two words, but mean something else... humorous, that someone, someday, might believe that we held religious sacrifices by jingling bells...

Alo: Very likely possible. But also, rational logic, today, thinks of dao as being how a 'shallow rut is created'... one person walks... only possible for one person to walk their own walk... no one else can follow... rational logic sees dao as a thing that is personally done... the path, has no final destination... the path ends, when the person ends life...

Yan: Of all writings that I have seen, all spoke of only one path... the writings also said, that there could be no other path... it had concerned me, that people might follow a dao, find the destination, and then stop bettering themselves... not the kind of dao that I would be interested in...

Alo: Me neither... a chi dao, is as like the logic dao, that of how the rut came into existence, but... chidao includes ratios... like how ratios influence music tone... create new thing when walk... each path is unique... not possible to create identical tone...

De: 'Ratio nature, it call way'...

Alo: Yes... and, the similarity of chidao, and ancient writings, is, merely, coincidence... not same... not imitate... if a thing is correct today, then it was correct thousands of years ago also... correctness, has always existed in Nature... path, do correct thing... correct is, itself, the path... the path does not enable correct... no rainbow of correctness...

Yan: Then, the writing I showed you, there is no harm to the ancient way, nor to chidao, even if the paths are not the same...

Alo: No harm, just, different lives, different goals, different qualities... countless things exist in Nature... each followed a different path into existence... none are equal, nor can paths be equal. If a person prefers an ancient dao, then that might be acceptable for that person... but if a person prefers something, more, like, root... then, chidao is closer...

Yan: 'Great path abandon, benevolence adopt knowledge intelligence, arise great false'... many questions of the words... appeared to me that the words pointed to a single path, and too, modern synonyms of ancient words can too easily be, assembled, incorrectly... cause, a bad meaning... like, 'great path abandon, exist benevolence fake'... the wrong words would appear to infer that the path itself was the source of benevolence... and that disturbed me...

Alo: Agreed... all people are already walking their path... whether a good path, or a bad path... no such thing as only one path... but, also, a single path cannot be the source of benevolence... actually, quite the opposite... a path, entered with a dark heart, remains a dark path... heart is one's light... without heart, the path is dark...

Yan: I agree... which helped me choose the words currently used in the ancient sentence... and, the words mirror what is real today... people today do not walk a good path, people instead attempt to use memorized knowledge and intelligence as a substitute... the result, is, of course, a false belief that knowledge is the source of benevolence...

Alo: Modern words, say that benevolence is measured outside... what is seen by other people, is given the name... similar, for virtue, and ethics, and morals... no inner definitions, which, means, modern world is, 'great false'...

Yan: Selfish inside, but do one act of kindness outside... people say, it be benevolence... yes... fake...

Alo: Also, chidao... many ingredients... like symphony, have many instruments... the more instruments, the better the music... chidao honors senses... give importance to eyes, to ears, to nose, to tongue, to touch... also honor mind... cannot know Nature without senses, cannot use rational logic to choose correctness without mind... and, so, cannot know root, nor anything else, without senses and mind... not rational, for a dao, to say to not have senses, and to only have an empty mind...

De: Absence of normal mind, might be advantage... but, only, because, absence of hunger... become calm, because, nothing there...

Alo: True... be as little children, innocent in a way, but also unable to mature... unable benevolence...

Yan: If creativity is the ultimate value, and, requires harmony for creativity to occur, then... what is to be created? That, I have not heard anyone say...

Alo: And will not hear... here, a bad example, but, a good metaphor... high summit, above is a rainbow, with a treasure underneath... the treasure is the one thing that your heart has cried for most... there, the treasure awaits... but Nature sometimes has a peculiar sense of humor, only permitting discoveries when the person no longer cares to discover... if, you were told what the treasure is, then you would climb the mountain, and not find it. But now, no metaphor... there is no treasure, no rewards, no magical leprechaun, nothing will be given... nothing from outside... all that will exist, will be one's own self... the quality of one's own self, will be, one's own choice...

De: Source, force Nature... Source, not force choice...

Alo: Yes...

Yan: Sounds too simple... no promises... no expectations... does not stir desire... my chuckle, is of knowing that the absence of promises of rewards, does not interest selfish people...

Alo: Agreed... but selfish people already think of themselves as being perfect... they cannot imagine what quality might be...

Yan: My only wish of quality, is to become a better man for Jun... nothing else matters...

Jun: My heart, now cries for similar, for you...

Yan: Then, ours, worthy goal... very worthy, because, goal, is for another person... creates, harmony...

Alo: There... already on the right path...