Alo and De Full Empty

Alo and De Full Empty #117

Alo and De Full Empty

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 January 21, 2019

Yan: I am curious... if nothing in Nature can be the same, equal, nor identical, then, what about the 'emptiness' that some people say the ancient writings speak of? To my knowledge, all of the people claim that all of the alleged writings point to only one state of 'emptiness' that is identically the same for everyone.

Alo: Yes... outsiders, do believe that their 'emptiness' is the topmost ultimate thing, and, that, the thing must be, and is, identical for everyone... but, of course, the belief is wrong. Example... one form of 'emptiness', is as the mentally-willed cessation of conscious analyses... the eyes see, and the mind merely observes what the eyes sees... the mind does not consciously distinguish between different objects, although, of course, the mind must still be subconsciously active... not truly empty, nor calm completely... the mind must continue analyzing, must continue curves of weights, must continue exerting energies, must continue creating memories, must continue being a mind... just, not be conscious of thinking, not be conscious of self, not be conscious of body... merely, as if, only conscious of seeing. This example, includes callousness, a cold heart, not caring for people, not consciously caring for anything... it is the most common form of 'emptiness' taught by outsiders... it, is, a self-conditioning... a way to escape felt suffering... fully selfish... fully self-centered... fully egotistical... but not know it.

Yan: Jun and I, we have discovered, a 'thing'... here, this paper, I have written a description. To us, ours is similar to each other's, but different in many little ways... but, nevertheless, the experience shares ingredients that are very similar... similar enough that I wondered if our experience was the one that the outsiders claimed to be the 'nothingness' state... but, from what you said, apparently not.

Alo: Your description... here... no, very much different than what outsiders do, and believe... your description, is good... you are aware of what is occurring in the mind and body... yours is a good experience... a beautiful experience, not anything like what the outsiders claim for their own 'emptiness'... not even close...

Yan: Jun and I have discovered, that love, does indeed not have boundaries... not a knowledge learned through words, but, rather, an understanding gained through firsthand experience... and so I wonder, if, a state of 'emptiness' might also not have boundaries.

Alo: I also am uncertain of the possibilities... each state of experience, relies upon external ingredients... one's environment... and, so, maybe, if the external were to become different, then, of course, the experience itself would also be different. This is one of the parallel reasons of why De and I wish good for the community... if the community acquires better ingredients for itself, then, that would make possible a better experience for all of our people...

Yan: Then, what? The outsiders' 'emptiness', being achieved within a negative environment, must then also be similarly negative? Because the experience is created from negative ingredients?

Alo: Yes... take away food, does not cure hunger... take away conscious thought of suffering, does not cure the problems. The outsiders' experiences, absolutely must be inferior, because, the ingredients are inferior... cannot walk far without first being near... cannot create fresh by using stale ingredients... cannot escape Nature's way, even if wanted.

Yan: Agreed... then... if, it is acceptable to ask... what other types of experiences are known?

Alo: Here, your paper... this, part... the 'sparkle' reference... the tones, depths, purposes... each, can be different... none can be achieved alone...

De: Again, I repeat Alo's words... though a man tames his own heart, it is the woman who births his heart...

Alo: Yes, precisely... reciprocation... must be there, else, the experience is selfish... cold... not creative.

De: The sparkle... many...

Alo: Precisely... the fluidities, different... different results, different experiences, different tones, different peacefulness... grows, stronger... deeper... more intense... with time...

Yan: Jun and I, we know to not speak to others about this... but here... this portion of the paper... we have, formed an opinion, that it means something... something, more... something, very special between us...

Alo: Yes... if, it means what it appears to point to, then, yes... it is pointing to things that we previously spoke of... I cannot say much more, because... and you know why... if, spoken of, then, the words destroy the good...

Yan: True... so Jun and I are cautious, to not speak carelessly...

Jun: We remember, De's hints... now, the hints, appear, to be plain...

Yan: Agreed... very plain... but, if we are not making a mistake, then this also means that Jun and I have purpose...

Alo: Yes, purpose... not a step behind, but, rather, someone else took their step first... not follow, just, not begin same time...

Yan: Thank you... that lets us know that where we are, is okay... paths of similar direction, not mean same path, nor mean, follow. My thoughts just drifted to the east man's words... the east man said that a junzi should not have friends who were not equal to himself... the east man was wrong... friends, take steps at different times, but still walk together...

Alo: And there, is one portion of the differences of 'empty' experiences... another east man, one-hundred-thirty-eight years ago, said... 'animals can certainly by some means judge of the intervals of time between recurrent events'... the man was the one of statues, still worshipped as one of the topmost highest gods by almost all outsiders... he did not so much as know what the sense of time is, nor still does any outsider know today. The east man, his mind was 'empty', but, also filled with worthless inventions of beliefs, and words... there, there are many different kinds of 'empty'... if a person cannot fully describe their own experience of 'emptiness', then any claim of 'emptiness' is imaginary, made-up, false, not worthy of hearing... also, if a person cannot fully describe their own mind's thoughts and knowings of how the people 'judge intervals of time', then their minds are also empty.

De: Chidao 'empty'... not empty...

Alo: Yes... the 'sparkles', extremely beautiful... requires, heart. To watch, and to experience, as chidao creates... yang, it not yet finished... root of Source, not yet end...