Alo and De Example

Alo and De Example #82

Alo and De Example

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 December 04, 2018

Morning Dove: I appreciate your taking time to answer my questions.

Alo: You are welcome... no imposition... I enjoy the chance for us to speak alone. De, is visiting Tom's wife... we can speak openly.

Morning Dove: The elders have questioned whether we are correctly interpreting the way of outsiders'. We have been told many things about how the outsiders cannot think the same way as us, but it still does not make sense to us. Things like how outsiders cannot feel inside their own bodies, nor think of concepts... it is alien to us, and we have had no past experiences that could lend us an idea of why people can be so different.

Alo: Here... my shoestring... an apple... it is easy, to learn of Nature's way, and to learn of differences, by, simply looking at Nature. Placing, the string, straight on the table... there, there is the common mind of outsiders'. Left side of string, point A... right side, point B... the outsider's math, all, point A to point B... no variation. Outsider's global religion... also relies on the same math... all, point A, to point B... no variation.

Morning Dove: Agreed. That is how we were taught in the government schools, and I myself never saw the math to be any different.

Alo: Now, if I lift the string, to where there are similar lengths on both sides of where I hold the string, then the outsiders' language states that I am holding the string in the middle. Notice... lengths, point A, point B... math is the rule of where 'middle' exists.

Morning Dove: Agreed.

Alo: Now, if the middle could possibly be, perfectly and exactly, the identical same lengths from one end to the other end... then math would say that the lengths are equal, but, look at Nature... nothing in Nature is equal... never has been... never can be.

Morning Dove: Agreed, which is one of my own complaints about the outsiders' math, that their math can never be correct.

Alo: Yes, that is true... but here, also, this 'middle', is also said by math to be the 'average' of two lengths... sixteen inches, halved... eight is the average... perfectly, exactly, half of a perfectly, exact, length. Not possible, but still, that is what the outsiders' math claims... and, what, the outsiders sincerely do believe to be true. One extra atom on either end would cause the exactness to not be exact, and, also, fields and harmonics of atoms cannot be exact... durations of time, not exact... not exact directions also... also, now... if the two lengths were perfectly, and exactly, of the same weight, then the outsider's math would also claim the string to be 'balanced'...

Morning Dove: Which is also impossible...

Alo: Agreed... never possible in Nature for an exact balance... cannot be done. Also, even if, we were to pretend it to be possible, that both lengths were identically identical of weight, still... look at the string's curves, widths, indentions... even if each length could be identical of length, identical of weight, identical of shape, and identical to balance, still there would not exist an identicalness of strings...

Morning Dove: True...

Alo: But here, outsider's math ignores all that exists, except, imaginary points A and B... dimension A, dimension B... point A has an eternity of events occurring around and within point A... similar for point B... each point is as a fluid dimension of itself... one flat measurement, two dimensions, but outsiders do not see the dimensions, only see points... also, look at the appearance... one length of string, is not identical of color, of cleanliness, nor of wear, to the other length of string... simply look... simply look, is all that is needed to know, that nothing in Nature is identical.

Morning Dove: And, apparently, outsiders never bother to look.

Alo: Agreed... when outsiders speak of 'equal', 'balance', and 'average', the outsiders fully cannot see what they are talking about... the thoughts never enter the outsiders' minds... cannot reason what cannot be seen.

Morning Dove: So then, this illustrates where the outsiders stop thinking... they see a general thing, and progress no further? No duration of thoughts?

Alo: Yes... like 'spirit of lake'... wide concept, deep of meaning, relies upon having seen, and relies upon active thinking... but, outsiders, they can only see the surface... cannot swim in thought, nor understand what the swim is...

Morning Dove: Then, this is sort of like a dream world to outsiders... the people seem to only be aware of doing something in a dream, but not be aware of the things that happen in the dream... like, dreaming of traveling on a train, but only be aware of sitting in the train, traveling, and then reaching the destination, but while not being aware of the sounds, aromas, sights, textures, nor any other activity of other passengers... no durations of time, no memories formed of time, no memories to use for reasoning.

Alo: Yes, similar... but also, even when an outsider is told to direct their attention to a thing, and even when the thing is explained, still the outsiders cannot grasp what the thing is. Here... placing the string's middle, over and near the top of the apple, there we have what is known as a 'bell curve'... the average is at the top... below average and above average to the sides...

Morning Dove: I saw that in school when the teachers talked about IQ scores.

Alo: Yes, similar principles, for all kinds of math... but, here, look... the middle of the string, the 'average', remains the middle... math still measures the string as if the string were still flat... math, and outsiders, cannot see, nor grasp, the curve. Example... the outsiders have a mathematical formula for measuring IQ... one of our people created a formula for measuring mental cognition... the mental cognition formula uses a different kind of measuring, and, uses sensory perceptions as the means of communicating cognition. Now, the cognition formula, it makes use of numbers, not because numbers can be accurate, but, because it is easier for most all people to gather a general concept of what the numbers imply. The cognition formula, begins at ninety... an individual is said to have a functioning cognition by around one-eighty... superior cognition at around two-seventy...

Morning Dove: Degrees... not flat, but degrees? Of curves?

Alo: Yes, precisely... odd, but, apparently no known outsider caught what the numbers imply... but, either way, the cognition formula found that over ninety-nine percent of all tested outsiders, many thousands, were scored at ninety... which, was, relatively speaking, zero... flat... no ability to reason concepts. The only way to score lower, would be, to be, dead.

Morning Dove: Oh... that, is disturbing to me...

Alo: Contrast... our people, easily score three-sixty... some, four-fifty... some, even higher... De... wrap the shoestring, around, around, different directions also... shoestring length ends... De's cognition... not end...

Morning Dove: Good thing that De is not here, else she would be embarrassed...

Alo: Yes... very...

Morning Dove: Then this is not just us merely having different opinions than outsiders, we are actually that much different?

Alo: Yes... outsiders cannot understand us, and we cannot understand them. Outsiders, think, flat, points A to B... we, think, curve, ratios in motion... and, we think in-between the curves... no pause of thinking, no pause of sensing... and, also, the cognition formula was purposefully simple... it purposefully did not bother measuring in-between curves...

Morning Dove: Quite an example!

Alo: It is unknown, of whether it might be possible, for an outsider to begin thinking curves... but, still, unlikely. Ten, to twenty years, of a child being forced by government schools to memorize words, destroys the ability to think... now grown, the child may never attain an ability to think. A simple garden hose, can so easily become the source of learning Nature's way... water pressure, water quantity, restrictions, resistance, trajectories, almost everything that could possibly be learned in a government school, can more easily, and more thoroughly, be learned, and understood, by observing a mere garden hose.

Morning Dove: Probably not a thing that most outsiders would spend time doing...

Alo: Agreed... elephants do not study Nature, and then build homes... cows do not sit and write poetry about Nature... dogs do not sing operas about Nature... kittens do not honor customs of Nature days by weaving clothing... outsiders, do not study Nature, nor think curves...

Morning Dove: Of what you have told me, it does help me better understand why outsiders cannot understand our words, nor us understand their words.

Alo: Also, 'lake spirit'... so obvious to us, but outsiders cannot comprehend, because, outsiders think flat... no ocean of thought... it is like an outsider, who is an elite of scholars... the man had written that terms like 'lake spirit' make no sense... the man then chose to change and rearrange the original ancient words, to cause the ancient words to say what the elite man wanted the words to say... the scholar changed beautiful ancient words, caused the words to be ugly of nonsense magic...

Morning Dove: Then, if the outsiders' elite themselves cannot grasp 'lake spirit', then, apparently there is no reason for us to hope that we could communicate our way of life to the outsiders. But, outsiders do not choose such a simple thing as to look at and to give mind to Nature... they do not appear to even try...

Alo: Maybe lazy, maybe just not care, and... maybe... believe, that, if not told, then cannot know.