忠經 Zhong Jing #8

忠經 Zhong Jing #8

武備章 Military Perfect Chapter

忠經 Zhong Jing #8

(PD) Mt Seoraksan Republic of Korea

Skies, earth, footprint...

(Photo clarity, angle, and wording by Larry Neal Gowdy)

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 October 30, 2019

The eighth chapter of 忠經 (Zhong Jing) is titled 武備章, which is loosely interpreted to be Military Perfect Chapter.

Unexpectedly, the general theme of chapter #8 focuses on the idea of promoting and supporting one's nation's military, while not falsely debasing the military. Within modern cultures, when a writing speaks of things like virtue and fairness, it is common for the writings to unfairly speak against militaries. Zhong Jing earns respect for maintaining a rationally coherent non-contradicting stance towards all of its topics.

The following quotes are draft translations of portions of sentences within 忠經 Zhong Jing chapter 8 武備章. Several of the words are given with accompanying synonyms that help to present an active concept.

Emperor person-ist stand military

Use prestige four direction-power

Stable ten-thousand people {also}

For as long as there exists unstable human minds, so will there also exist a need for militaries to defend stable peaceful people. There exists no reason to believe otherwise.

'Military virtue main-primary peaceful calm

Wrong appearance when impose stab-sword {also}'

A stable mind is of harmony with itself... no multiple personalities. For a thing to be creative, it must harmonize with another thing... only things that are correct are able to harmonize... without harmony there will be multiple personalities within a conflicting mind. Fairness, a Nature-based scale, is able to harmonize with things that are also correct. Selfishness and favoritism do not harmonize with anything that is correct... attempting to force one's selfish favoritism, always results in a conflicting mind of multiple personalities. Virtue, is a creation of correct things in harmony... virtue has its own qi... the harmony within virtue nascents a stable and calm mind.

A rational military is fair... virtuous. Noteworthy is that a calm level-headed military is far more effective in battle than other militaries that are emotionally unstable. The idea of a virtuous military has numerous advantages, and no known disadvantages.

A humorous event of several years ago was when a group of protesters demanded democratic politics within their country... the protesters were forced away by the nation's military who outnumbered the protesters. Apparently the protesters did not recognize that the military had won through democracy.

'Pure-honest virtue-morals cloth blend-harmony

Military-arms smooth-safe report-to fate-life-command

Whole-all military it commander

Fate not able-to disgrace-insult

Commander not able-to fail-lose-mistake

Nation it great lodge-entrust

Wrong-oppose change-easy its people

Benevolence use bosom it

Comfort-console its suffering hardship-miserable

Envoy-order-cause it all bosom

Righteousness use whetstone-sharpen it

Show-manifest-reveal its magnanimous generous

Order-envoy-cause its sharp-fierce advise-urge-comfort

Social-customs use teach-example it

Bright-understanding its festival-save-abridge system-establish-make

Order-envoy-cause it have sequence-series

Trust-faith use behavior it

Detailed-thorough its distant near

Order-envoy-cause it certainly behavior

Award-prize use advise-urge it

Hang its title-rank award-prize

Order-envoy-cause it desire-admire merit-achievement

Punish-fairness use strict-rigid it

Prestige-power its straw-cutter battle-ax

Order-envoy-cause it fear guilt-crime

Behavior then six person-ist

Meaning-name it have sharp-advantage

Six person-ist simultaneously expenses-need-use-apply

Palace-deficiency then fail-lose it

Therefore advance-increase ready expenses-outlay teacher-example

Zi Fan say : not-yet know faith-trust

It type correct {also}

Therefore obtain teacher-example exert-to-utmost its heart

Exhaust-use-up its influence-strength

Cause-send-devote its fate-command

Scholar foot-soldier follow teaching-instruction

Therefore teacher-example obtain sharp-advantage

Correct use attack-charge-study it then can-overcome

Defend-serve it then solidify

Military-valiant completely it way {also}

Military-valiant able-to use completely and not expenses-outlay

Not able-to use expenses-outlay and not completely {also}

Poem say: Valiant valiant military man

Public noble oppose city-walls

Have its military ability

Adequately-capable its ward-off-resist-withstand

Several sentences are difficult to follow, but the general ideas are simple enough... a virtuous military is advantageous for a nation's defense as well as for being an example for the nation's people to bosom.