忠經 Zhong Jing #10

忠經 Zhong Jing #10

保孝行章 Protect Filial-piety Behavior Chapter

忠經 Zhong Jing #10

(PD) Mt Seoraksan Republic of Korea

Skies, earth, footprint...

(Photo clarity, angle, and wording by Larry Neal Gowdy)

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 November 01, 2019

The tenth chapter of 忠經 (Zhong Jing) is titled 保孝行章, which is loosely interpreted to be Protect Filial-piety Behavior Chapter. The chapter's topic revolves around the acts of reasoned filial piety towards all people. The following quotes are lightly edited draft translations of portions of the sentences within 保孝行章.

'Man only-however filial-piety person-ist

The first word, (fu) is a general term for adult males, but when combined as Fu Zi, it can imply a respectful term for an individual man. Also, if fu is used at the beginning of a sentence, the word might imply an added emphasis or assertion, perhaps not too distant from the modern English way of saying something like 'Wow that is so cool!'. The important thing here though is that the first word does not infer mankind as a whole, and by how the whole of the book is worded, so will the book's other words dictate how fu is to be interpreted within this chapter's first sentence.

Certainly-will expensive-noble when devoted

Similar think-consider-deliberate filial-piety and forget-neglect devotion

Like-similar investigate-seek happiness and-yet abandon-discard heaven

Devotion careless-thoughtless not behavior

Place proportion-ratio still-like-similar wrong its way

Devotion not home-residence heart

Move-touch all-every evil remote-secluded

Correct use devotion not reach it

And-yet fail-lose-mistake its defend-guard-serve-protect

Certainly-will give-to this-that penalty

Investigate-seek able-to {from-to-in}

Bandit only dangerous body-life

Disgrace-shame reach close {also}

Already-both fail-mistake when-regard devotion

Hand-again-once-more fail-mistake when-regard filial-piety

Therefore noble him-it behavior his-its filial-piety

Certainly-will use devotion

Exhaust-use-up his-its devotion

Then happiness prosperity arrive {carry-!}

Devotion then obtain happiness

Prosperity then honored relatives

Therefore obtain finish-end love respect it heart

Use raise-bring-up its relatives

Give-hand-out reach-attain when people

Protect devotion way

Many good distant return

Body-life stable close-relatives happy

Obtain finish-end its raise-rear

Now-these it logical-meaning safeguard-protect filial-piety behavior {also}

Use devotion it therefore-intentionally

Obtain protection when-regard filial-piety

Poem say: "Filial-piety child not lacking

Long-perpetual confer-bestow like-so-you similar"

Examine-investigate father-uncle behavior filial-piety

Give-bestow when-regard village public

Noble it-him good him-it

These-stop-turn-around it logical-meaning {also}'