What is Beauty - How to be Beautiful

What is Beauty - How to be Beautiful

What Is Beauty

(PD) Pink Skies

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright©2016-2021 - updated February 12, 2021

What is beauty? What causes beauty? How can I be more beautiful? The answers given - and accepted - depend on whom is asked, who is asking, and why the question is asked.

Why is the question of beauty being asked? For what purpose does an individual want an answer? Is the purpose of the question to gain a knowledge of how the sense of beauty is created, or is the question for the purpose of becoming beautiful?

Regardless of the question, the topic of beauty is best approached similarly as how all other topics of Nature are best approached: before speaking of the thing, it is necessary to first know what the thing is that is being asked, as well as to know how to judge the thing. Without a knowing of what the thing is, nor without a means of judging the thing's existence, then how can an answer explain what is unknown?

To receive the correct answer, first know the correct question, and the knowing of which question is correct requires that the individual first knows what is being asked.


What is Beauty

The Seoraksan temple's ambience, is beautiful to some, but not to all.

Nature is the sole certainty, and the sole judge: there is no other source of certainty about Nature except Nature itself. If a belief does not agree with Nature, then the belief is not true. It makes no difference if an individual believes that Nature was created by a deity, by spirits, or by magically appearing from nowhere and without a reason, still, the nature of Nature is the nature of the thing(s) that created Nature, and all answers about Nature are found in Nature.

Beauty is a thing that exists within Nature, and therefore, obviously, beauty must be measured and judged by Nature. It really does not matter what any person or any ideology might claim, Nature is still the one and only measure - and judge - of beauty.

One certainty of Nature is that all things are composed of other things. Within Nature, nothing came into existence by itself, and nothing can exist by itself. As obvious as is the sky's color, within Nature all things within the three-dimensional existence came into existence by being the compositions of three or more other things; look at Nature, and see for yourself. Nature states that whatsoever exists within the three-dimensional realm, it must exist as the composition of other things: it is obvious for all healthy individuals to see and to recognize.

When a theory claims that there can exist a singular emotion - such as beauty, love, or any other - it is already known that the theory cannot be true, because the theory does not agree with the nature of Nature.

Another certainty of Nature is that all things are different. There is no such thing as identical, the same, nor equal; all things, all people, and all experiences are always different, in part because all things are always in the motion of changing. When a theory claims that humans behave or think identically - or experience the same emotions - it is already known that the theory cannot be true, because the theory does not agree with the nature of Nature.

The 'light' from the sun, the moon, a light bulb, a fire, an insect, the stars, and everything else in Nature, are all composed of different ingredients, all are of different radiances, different intensities, different wave-lengths, different speeds, different directions, different colors, and of the countless other differences of all things named 'light', none are identical, the same, nor equal. Naming many different things 'light' does not make the things the same. Naming many different sensations 'beauty' does not make the sensations the same.

Of all of man's systems of knowledge, all believe that all humans experience the same emotions, and so, without so much as hearing what the systems of knowledge might further claim, it is already known that all of the systems of knowledge are incorrect.

Holding in one's hand a yardstick of Nature's measure, it is then easy to judge whether the popular explanations of beauty are correct, or incorrect, and the knowing of the correctness of Nature's yardstick was made possible by one's own observation of Nature, not from the memorizing of unknown words. The answers of beauty are similar; the answers are found, and answered, within one's own nature.

Is the desire, of gaining a knowledge of beauty, approached without first knowing what the word 'beauty' means to one's self? If an individual does not experience the sense of beauty, and if the individual is not beautiful themselves, then the words of knowledge of beauty can have no meaning, and can hold no answer. The languages of man are not able to convey meaning; all words only imply what the words mean to the speaker, and the person listening interprets the words to imply what the words mean to the listener. To some individuals, beauty implies a sun-like radiant warmth of fluid harmonies within quality traits, but to some other individuals, beauty implies a moon-like reflection of physical desire. My use of the word 'beauty' means what it means to me, the word means what it means to you, and the meanings are not equal, the same, nor identical. It is not possible to adequately answer a question about a word whose definition is unique to each individual, and is constantly changing for each individual.


What is Beauty in a Savannah

Some claim that everyone finds savannahs to be beautiful. I have lived and suffered in similar regions, and I find no beauty in savannahs, because I know of the insects, aromas, and harsh weather.

There is a self-created sense of beauty of things seen, a self-created sense of beauty in things experienced, and there is a self-created sense of beauty for one's harmonious inward traits of quality. The beauties are different, and none can be known without the firsthand experience. Which type of beauty is being questioned?

Is the purpose of the question to gain a knowledge of how to be externally beautiful, or inwardly beautiful? Is the desire for beauty, vanity? Or is the desire for beauty, beautiful?

Why? For what purpose is the question asked? The purpose of the question itself colors and determines which answer must be given, and which answer will be accepted.

Some systems of knowledge rush to speak many words, of long sentences within long paragraphs, as if speaking many unknown words might somehow explain another unknown word, but only Nature can give an accurate answer, and the answer itself always exists before the word is spoken.


The music video is a pleasing example of what is beautiful to some individuals, but though a thing may possess many good qualities, not everyone will experience the same joy. In my hobby book of love and beauty, which has now grown to over four-hundred-thousand words during the two years of writing, roughly a tenth of the book was written while listening to different Zenchantment music. For me, the music helps to provide an environment that enables me to experience emotions that I wish to use as being the desirable qualities within the book's stories, and as I divide the emotions into their many components, I can then create semi-fictional stories that rearrange the components, which then enable within myself an enhanced emotional response that is far more intense, positive, and beautiful, than what is possible in the environment outside of my window.

Knowing how and why the sense of beauty exists, it is then easy to create more beauty, as well as to intensify the beauty into one that enables the response of a radiant appreciation accompanied with tears of happiness for another person's happiness. Further blending the different components, different emotional responses are created, resulting in an almost instantaneously arrested breathing accompanied with a watering of the eyes when hearing the music that is associated with each specific story. The music became beautiful, because it had become a component of a different beauty, and also because the different beauty had become a component of the music: the components are in harmony.

Within one story I arranged different components alongside of different angularities and directional flows, thereby creating two contrasting flows combined with two sub-contrasts which had two sub-contrasts themselves. The story was developed along with a specific song for each directional flow, and now when the songs are heard, the memories of the story give rise to an intensity of compassion accompanied with similarly intense happiness for another person, and the sub-contrasts retain an unfixed motion that prevents the emotions from ebbing: the ecstasy is prolonged, and very beautiful to me.

The music video is a good example of what I find to possess beauty, of a visual similarity of what I hoped for on my own land - and may attempt again someday - but I would not have felt as much beauty within the video when I was young. Life experience creates additional components, and the maturing of inward qualities adds more components, which in turn heighten or dull one's current sense of beauty. Regardless of popular myths about beauty, the quality of one's own inward self dictates what is perceived as quality within another thing, which may then be sensed as a thing of beauty.

Water and green grasses may be beautiful to individuals who live in deserts, but the waters and greens may not be beautiful to individuals who long for a dry day. What one yearns for, is also a component of beauty.

As all other things in Nature, all emotions are composed of components, and I am sorry, but if an individual has not attained quality components, then the individual cannot experience a quality beauty. Surely it is obvious to all thinking beings that blending ugly ingredients while creating bread, will result in the bread tasting ugly, but man does not appear to recognize that his own inward ingredients flavor his own sense of beauty. If man has no system of knowledge that teaches which ingredients combine to create beauty, then surely it means that man does not possess the knowledge, nor, perhaps, care to know.


When the rhythms, tones, and chords of music are harmonious with an individual's own emotions, and if the individual has lived long enough to have created deeply positive emotions, then the music that harmonizes with the emotions may be sensed as beautiful. The emotions of love, compassion, and affection may best harmonize with similar music as the video's, but not for everyone, because everyone is different, and the components of each individual's emotions are different, which can only harmonize with different music.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder for those without a heart, but for those individuals who possess positive inward qualities, beauty is as if within the heart and soul of the beholder, the reflection of one's own soul's yearning goal: the sense of beauty is not identical, nor equal, nor the same, for anyone.

Within the experience of beauty, there are many, many, many components and variables that flow and combine to create the moment's sense of beauty, and never again will the identical same sense of beauty be felt, because life is always changing.


What are the Components of Beauty?

What are the components of beauty? Why is the question being asked? Is the question of components being asked without first knowing what a component is? No system of knowledge possesses an explanation of - nor so much as a discussion of - what a component might be, and so, upon what assumption might it be believed that the use of unknown words could explain another unknown thing?

Perhaps in a later article I might begin listing components, but for the moment there is no value in using words that are unknowns, and which could serve no useful purpose. For the moment, it is enough to simply say that the discovery of components is acquired similarly as everything else in Nature; that of the individual seeing for themselves what a component is.


What is Beauty

Which components are beautiful to you, which are not beautiful, and why?

How can I be more beautiful?

Do you know what the ideal height is? Do you know the how and why height is judged as beautiful? What about width? What about circumference? Man's systems of knowledge know nothing of how heights, widths, and circumferences are sensed and judged, nor do man's systems of knowledge know of the frequencies of aromas' blends, tones of voice, warmths of skin, tastes of a kiss, nor of the decay rates, nor of the directional flows. How can you judge how to be beautiful, if you do not know how beauty is measured by the individual of whom you wish to be beautiful?

Do you wish to be beautiful to an individual who knows why they sense beauty, or do you prefer to be beautiful to an individual who does not know why?

To whom do you wish to be more beautiful? All living beings interpret beauty differently than all other living beings, and so it is not possible to be beautiful to everyone. To whom, specifically, do you wish to be beautiful?

Some individuals believe that all biases are identically unconscious, and the individuals also believe that all individuals are identically unconscious of why they sense beauty. Do you wish to be beautiful to an unconscious individual, or do you wish to be beautiful to a conscious individual? There is a difference, because, all people are different.

Who is conscious, and who is unconscious? Individuals who can describe the many components of beauty, they may be conscious, but individuals who describe beauty by words memorized from books, they may be unconscious.

It appears that the descriptions of beauty, as given by the individuals who claim of themselves to be unconscious, only relate to physical shapes. Do you wish to be beautiful to an individual who can find no beauty in your life, nor of your inward qualities?

While some individuals only interpret beauty as the external physical shape of another person, other individuals interpret beauty to be the physical shape as well as the quality of voice. Other individuals interpret beauty to include physical shape, tonal qualities of voice, aromas, body language, ability to walk gracefully, how well the facial muscles harmonize with the emotions, and numerous other qualities. To the individuals who value the beauty of numerous different qualities, physical shape might not hold a large sway of importance, and conversely, individuals who only value physical shape may not be aware of, nor care, if another person is ugly inside.

Is not an uncaring of another person's ugly heart, a symptom of one's own ugly heart? Is the question of beauty, to discover how to be beautiful to an individual with an ugly heart, or to be beautiful to an individual with a beautiful heart? There is not just one type of beauty, there are many.

Some of us value inner qualities above all else; qualities of gentleness, modesty, kindness, compassion, sympathy, honesty, thoughtfulness, love, politeness, affection, appreciation, courtesy, cleanliness, and the many other positive traits that are expressed through body language, through emotioned voices, through warmths of the skin, and through the harmonies of the scents that describe truthfulness within the person's thoughts, heart, and actions. Again, upon meeting an individual with quality inward traits, the body shape may be deemed to be of little importance. Of the most beautiful people I have ever met, I only have a vague memory of their faces, but I have a vivid memory and awe of their inward qualities. To me, a vulgar voice and an ugly heart make the exterior ugly as well, because I am looking at the whole in motion, and judging the whole as a symphony in motion, not just a motionless two- or three-dimensional surface.

Might it be true that unconscious individuals do not think beyond what they can see? And if they can see nothing more than the surface of your body, then how soon will your beauty fade, and become ugly? Do you wish to only be beautiful to individuals who will soon find you to not be beautiful?

Might it be true that conscious individuals think of what they consciously see, hear, smell, feel, and taste, all combined with and judged by the motions of your body? Do you wish to be beautiful to an individual who thinks many thoughts simultaneously, and who will still think of you as beautiful when the shape of your body fades? Is that not approaching close to love?

Which is your desire, to be beautiful for a year, and to then end your life without beauty? Or do you prefer for your beauty to become a component of a love that endures the rest of your life? There are different reasons for desiring beauty, and each has a different result.

Humored at myself, when watching a foreign drama I openly said of the lead actress 'What a beautiful smile!' while silently asking myself why I spoke my happy thoughts out loud. Moments later, I leaned towards the television and excitedly said 'What a beautiful voice!', my again being concerned that my interest in the actress' qualities was somewhat too obvious. Later researching the actress, I discovered that she is a singer in an all-girl group, and the only music video of that genre on my computer is one that also has the actress singing. In the music video, the actress is very cute, and she is a very good singer, but when expressing modest emotions within the film, to me she became beautiful, because the outwardly expressed inward qualities were beautiful.

The thing that I wished to point to in the previous paragraph is that body shape is not always the sole measure of beauty; one's beauty might be judged fully differently by the tone of their voice, and by the gentle gracefulness of their body language. The popular beliefs of body shapes being the sole measure of beauty, are not in agreement with the nature of Nature.

Some foreign actors and actresses may at first appear different to me when costumed differently for different roles in different films, but I remember the eyes, the voices, and the body language, and I then know which series I had seen them in previously. To me, the emotional toning of a quality woman's voice is far more beautiful than the shape of the body, and if the body language agrees and is in harmony with the beautifully vocalized emotions, then I will declare that person to be beautiful. Similarly for the male actors, if their voices describe an honest conscious self-reflection - as masters do - then I admire the men as having beautiful qualities, but not of a beauty that relates to physical attraction: there are different kinds of beauty, some of which flow simultaneously, some which flow separately, and there is not just one sense of beauty as some beliefs claim.

Everyone is different, and everyone has different scales of judging beauty: to be more beautiful, first it is best to know to whom you wish to be beautiful.

What an individual most values within themselves may be interpreted as being most valued within another person. If an individual wishes to be beautiful to a person who only cares about surface shapes, then one's own inward qualities are unimportant, but if an individual wants to be seen as beautiful by a person who values quality inward traits, then it may be necessary to possess the same quality traits. Wanting an honest mate should begin with first being honest one's self.

To be beautiful to the person you want, first be the person that they want, and be of the qualities that the individual wishes were their own.

Of the inward qualities that an individual might find to be beautiful, there too will be differences of intensities and colors; there is no such thing as a quality - nor an emotion - that is the same for everyone. An honesty colored with the warmth of caring for the person spoken to, is not the same honesty colored with a cold sense of duty. Several components of emotions may rise simultaneously, and though popular beliefs may claim that love cannot exist without jealously and physical desire, and the popular beliefs also claim that beauty can only be a physical desire described by aesthetics, still, the beliefs do not agree with Nature's yardstick, and there is no reason of why you must accept the beliefs as being true.

The question must be repeated over, and over, until when a precise answer is given: to whom do you wish to be beautiful? Unconscious individuals may never recognize that all emotions are different, but conscious individuals do recognize differences in all emotions. The unconscious individual may only be able to experience the beauty of physical attraction for another individual, but conscious individuals are able to experience the beauty of another individual's inward qualities. And so, which manner of beauty do you wish for, and to whom, specifically, do you wish to be beautiful?

Is there a desire for the exterior of the body to be beautiful to another person, or is there a desire for the exterior shape to be beautiful to one's self? What of the desire to be inwardly beautiful to one's own standards of quality traits? To me, I greatly admire individuals who have attained the inward qualities that they hold to be beautiful, and the evidence that their qualities were well-chosen is observed in their glow of modesty, thoughtfulness, politeness, gracefulness, kind eyes, and gentle tones of voice.

Within the nature of Nature, creativity is as the ultimate value, it is the act of harmony that enables creativity, and a thing that is with perfect harmony with its own components, is itself an act of quality. Quality inward traits may be seen to be beautiful, because they are correct, because they are in harmony, and because they are creative.

Having attained an inward beauty as judged by Nature's yardstick - a harmony of inward traits that create a new product that is itself creatively in harmony with Nature and one's self - the individual has then approached close to discovering and attaining a greater beauty, that of the nature of love. There is no known limit of how great, and how radiantly intense, a beauty can become.

Analogy of Beauty

Within the pyramid shape, the first two stones of different radiant colors are placed together, and having placed the stones beside the other, a new conceptual color is created, a color formed upon the components of the stones. Upon having placed all of one's inward qualities side by side to form the first layer of the pyramid, the created concepts of colors self-create a second layer of the pyramid. The sum of the second layer's concepts self-create the colors of a third layer of the pyramid, and the third layer self-creates the sum of the fourth layer, and so on until the final sum is the self-creation of the color of the top stone, which colors all of the other stones.

The nature of one's beauty is based upon the quality of the first stone. It is not possible to create beauty from ugly components, and regardless of whether the pyramid might be painted different colors, if the inward stones are ugly, then so will be the pyramid.

Painting one's face and hair cannot hide an ugly heart, nor can the rearranging of the stones to form an hourglass shape result in a lessening of ugly sounds and aromas. Beauty begins with self-chosen qualities, and if the qualities were correctly chosen, then the final sum is always beautiful, but only to individuals who can consciously perceive more than mere shapes of sight.

The nature of Nature is the way of beauty, and Nature offers a method of obtaining radiant beauty, but the pyramids of Nature's beauty must be consciously chosen, and consciously self-created, with each stone measured and judged by Nature's yardstick of harmony.