道格 Tao Pattern #8

道格 Tao Pattern #8

Tao Pattern

© Tao Pattern - bone structure of Daodejing #36 (English commas added).

Pattern: 8 Days Zen Guqin.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 March 31, 2019

Very simple, and very obvious... all things that exist, all have their own patterns of shapes, sizes, textures, speeds, movements, sounds, tastes, aromas, and all else that enables the things to exist. Nature rules man... Nature rules what is real within this Reality... and Nature, rules that all things, exist within patterns... to believe otherwise, is a thinking problem.

Human languages are also patterned... the patterns vary for each language, the language patterns vary for each region's accents, and very distinct language patterns vary for each individual.

Like fingerprints, each person's voice is unique, and each person's use of language is unique... the patterns describe the person's knowledge, skills, mental patterns, emotional states, region of residence, era of life, and histories of life. Like a song, changing the words does not change the background music...

About thirty-five years ago I investigated a group of related ideologies that included a modern ideology that claimed its doctrines originated around 600 B.C. in North America. When I read the North American doctrines, I found that the wording and mental patterns were derived from 17th century northwestern European English literature — that was itself colored with Greek and other languages that spanned several thousand years of different social and cultural periods throughout Europe — and then arranged relative to the mental and social patterns of early 19th century North American English. The doctrine's wording was also phrased from the observer's point of view, and not from the point of view that would have been given by an individual who actually experienced the thing himself as the doctrines claimed. The ideology, therefore, of course, could not have originated in North America twenty-six-hundred years ago as was claimed, and so I permanently dropped all interest in the topic.

I replied with a handwritten letter to the fellow who had been kind enough to mail me a copy of the ideology's doctrines, and in the letter I briefly explained to him some of the verifiable reasons of why the ideology could not be valid. I later learned that the man had spoken well to other people of my reply — I was told that he said my letter was very courteous — and it was near the same time that the ideology's own headmasters made a public announcement that the ideology was in fact a hoax. A lot of people still follow and believe in the ideology, which is okay, but sad... the followers are mostly good enough people, but I wish for them something more than to follow other men's words.

Finding an error, does not carry with it a need, nor a benefit, of publicly speaking of the mistake. All writings, ideological and historical, left open to the public, will, and are, altered, changed, and perverted to fit each generation's social beliefs. All known ideologies also possess mistakes, but usually it is favored to remain quiet, and to not speak of the errors, because, pointing at mistakes can, and does, cause hurt feelings for the people who believe their books' words to be flawless.

Daodejing... for about a year, I would enter into the Chinese texts, translate for hours, and then, when reaching a specific paragraph, I would pause... push away the text... abandon the translations, for weeks, sometimes more than month...

Each time I later approached the paragraph again, similar reaction... push the text away... walk away...

The paragraph, changes voice patterns... no longer the rational man's voice... the new voice, contradictory... new voice, incoherent dementia.

The good voice, the voice that I give the name of 'Laozi', is rational... coherent... makes sense... no contradictions... speaks of things that no other known public writing speaks of... the patterns, very beautiful... patterns, soft, like, soft guqin...

But the incoherent paragraphs, their voice is of a different man... gutteral-guttural... confused... stupid... origins of thoughts from a region further to the west... from a year, hundreds of years after Laozi's voice. The guttural man... similar to how the students of Confucius twisted Confucius' words to fit 'school learning of memorized words while not knowing what any of the words mean'... the guttural man twisted Laozi's words, while the guttural man never understood any of what Laozi wrote...

At least four different voices within Daodejing...

One... 'Laozi'... calm... soft, guqin rhythm... polite... mindful... thinking... self-aware... able to self-observe... written language skills, maybe not large... era, maybe, 1000 B.C., maybe much older... script type, maybe oracle, maybe another of a different, and unknown, ancient script... different region than Confucius... life history, ah, lucky man, like 南一先生 古琴... my heart is happy for his happiness... Laozi, likely a good man, likely smiled a lot.

Two... gutteral-guttural man, of east mental patterns strongly influenced from a land further to the west... words rapid, cold, coarse, rough, vulgar, no inner qualities, no good outer qualities, no compassion, no warmth of heart, deceitfully pretending to be Laozi... guttural man, later era, maybe, 600 B.C. to 200 A.D. or so... script use, not ancient, much closer to near when Chinese scripts began to receive uniformity... word usage, social, conversational, ignorant, plebian, not know what any word means, much like modern public English translations... guttural man, twisted Laozi's words upside-down, inside-out, fully contradicting all that Laozi wrote... guttural man, also claiming that his ideology's beliefs were what Laozi wrote of... guttural man, crude, pompous, self-centered, self-glory, stinking of selfishness, vainglory of reciting memorized words... guttural man, author of the paragraphs that I had to push away, and walk away...

Three... scholar man... cold... stupid... not able to think... word memorizer... word-embellisher... plagiarist... copy-paste other people's words while twisting the words together into a fairy tale... life era, possibly many years after the guttural man... life region, also different than all other voices... also used socially-accepted conversational definitions of words... life history, word memorizer, pretender of being knowledgeable because able to embellish copy-pasted words... the scholar man's words, pointedly pierce Laozi's words, and permanently render Daodejing, as a whole, to be incoherent dyslectic dementia.

Assemble bones... Laozi's, spine and ribs of white lamb... gutteral-gutteral man, skunk pelvis... scholar man, black jackel jaw... scholar man's words, not fit... obvious not fit... create monster.

A fourth voice has been seen, but ignored while quickly pushing away the page... likely more voices within Daodejing also... but I will not attempt to further translate details of the demented people's 'logic'...

Less than half of Daodejing is of Laozi's words... and within Daodejing Chidao, I do present the known Laozi words... but, I did not previously publicly speak of the Daodejing book's errors, because it is publicly believed that various ideologies were founded upon Daodejing. However, upon recently discovering that some other people have already publicly announced that Daodejing is not of a single author, then, I will not feel too far out of balance to also speak of a few of the errors within Daodejing. I do not know what the other sources say about the mutiple voices, nor do I wish to read what the alleged sources have claimed... what I have listed, is enough.

'Laozi'... smart man, kind, gentle, self-thinking, soft of voice, likely bathed regularly, wore clean clothes... gutteral-guttural man, rude, hateful, vulgar, perverse, stupid, stinking... scholar man, callous, selfish, stupid, destructive, queer odors...

Most modern people cannot hear patterns of voice... the people, not hear lies in politicians' voices... not hear lies, in crooks' voices... modern people, not able to see patterns, not able to self-think. If people were commonly able to see, and to hear, patterns, then, Daodejing would never have achieved popularity... but it is useful to observe, and to see that common people have historically always been unable to see patterns... guttural man, and scholar man, would not have written their dementia if they had been able to see patterns...

Within a temple's room of veneration, upon the wall, is a large hand-carved wording of Daodejing's sentences... the room's keepers, not know, that the scholar's words, pierce the heart of Laozi...

A scholar, did similar, to Zhong Yong...

There exists another book, also claimed to have been written by Laozi... the book, is fully gutteral-guttural... crude, selfish, stupid... fully promoting an ideology that was born further to the west, while claiming that the ideology was birthed from east... the book is empty of mind, empty of heart, empty of spirit, empty of honesty, and empty of logic, but, that is precisely what the west ideology teaches to be the topmost perfect self-glory.

So many writings, left open for the public to touch... all of the writings, dirtied, polluted, perverted... and almost no one cares, because, the people, selfish, cannot hear patterns of voice.