Alo and De Segregate

Alo and De Segregate #109

Alo and De Segregate

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2019 January 05, 2019

Emma: As we progress with ideas of how to point our community into a favorable future, my question keeps popping-up... what do we do about the people of our own community who are unable to walk-virtue?

Morning Dove: My concern is that we cannot so coldly push people away. If a person is unable to walk-virtue, then it is a sad thing, but not a thing to be treated coldly.

Alo: Yes, agreed on all points... segregate, but without being cold... perhaps, think of our community, as being a nation of itself... borders, surround the land... many citizens within the borders... all citizens attempt to obtain walk-virtue, but those individuals who do obtain walk-virtue are permitted to live within the nation's core village... then, our way would be as some cultures have chosen, to be separate from outsiders, to have our people within one large community, but to also have a smaller inner community of individuals who are heart-walk-virtue...

Emma: The inner community, sounds almost like a governing body, sort of like the nation's government. Am I close?

Alo: Perhaps yes... some ancient writings have spoken of similar... of having an ancient-ancient nation, that was governed by great individuals of walk-virtue... the whole nation's citizens aspired to achieve walk-virtue, and the individuals who were best attained of walk-virtue were permitted participation in the nation's government.

Morning Dove: Sounds fantastically impossible today... the idea, of a nation, ruled by honorable people, is simply an impossibility today.

Alo: Agreed... no outsider nation can now attain a nation of quality... man has fallen... and that is itself a portion of why our community must remain secluded from outsiders...

Yan: Maybe be somewhat like what we have today... we have invited the best-known outsiders to live near and around our community, while we keep the unwanted outsiders at a further distance... we govern much of what the invited outsiders are permitted to do on our lands... perhaps, then, do similar, but in a different location when it becomes necessary for our community to relocate...

Emma: A nation within a nation... self-govern... like an autonomous nation... interesting idea...

Yan: At present, we have three known choices... one, relocate to a desert region where few outsiders live... two, relocate to a west mountain region where the surrounding lands are populated with peaceful temples... or, three, travel further west, and find a remote mountain for ourselves...

Alo: Tiny nation, yearns for quality people... ancient old man wrote, like... 'large nation not pass desire to double livestock and people, tiny nation not pass desire to enter into matter of people'... our focus, is on people, not on material profits... be as tiny nation, not pass desire for walk-virtue people...

Morning Dove: Then if our goal is a good community with good people, then we cannot accept any way of life that the outsiders have chosen for themselves... and so yes, eventually our community must relocate, but I much prefer the idea of a mountain region rather than desert, because of trees, rain, and vegetable gardens.

Alo: I agree... it may take numerous generations before our people find a home where they can live peacefully... maybe, relocate, numerous times also...

Emma: From what I have seen in my life, it will be rare and difficult to find new people to enter our community. My concern is that our community might not survive long if we cannot attract more good people.

Yan: There are west cultures, many mountains, where temples exist... some of the individuals are good people... if our community were near, then we could invite the good people to come live with us... there are some individuals, who are already wishing for a similar way as ours...

Alo: Yan's idea is good... the people who wish to remain in their temples, the people segregate themselves from us, as we do them... then, no cold segregation... each individual chooses for themselves, or, sometimes, we could use the temples to be as places for a person to go learn how to walk-virtue... in time, after many generations, our people would commonly be born able to walk-virtue... be, 'involved-in walk-virtue one's self'...

De: Community, be, as, a little flower, within a large garden...

Alo: Yes, the odd one... very small, very beautiful... not seen, unless known where to look...

Emma: Meantime? How do we choose what to do with present community members who do not wish to walk-virtue?

Yan: Difficult question... my thought, is to give each person a responsibility of dealing with the outsiders living on our lands... it would be as a means of our people to learn the errors of outsiders'... perhaps then, our people would self-learn good from bad?

Emma: Plausible, but what of the people who cannot learn? Some of our people are little different than outsiders... they cannot learn, they cannot think of what is good or bad. We obviously cannot build a 'tiny nation' if we continue to accept 'big nation' people.

Alo: Further segregate, ourselves, from others... only choice...

Morning Dove: Like what we already do with the elders... we segregate ourselves from the other people. Then, what? Build another inner community? A community within a community? A 'tiny-tiny nation? Make it the governing body?

Alo: Sounds reasonable... choose, only the best... choose, only walk-virtue people...

Yan: Ancient words... 'person use his virtuous under, him cause able become numerous gorge king'... maybe meaning, using the ingredients underneath the present topmost virtue, the man is then able to become as many gorges of depths... for us, choose people who carry the spirit of gorges... able, and involved-in, their own depths of walk-virtue...

Jun: But, also... be kind... mindful, to permit rivers to not be harmed...

Yan: Very true... yes, choose spirit of gorges, but, permit choice... not force gorge to become shallow, and narrow...

Morning Dove: I catch your idea... choose people of good walk-virtue, but not ask of individuals who would be harmed by removing them from their own walk...

Alo: Yes...

De: Any man who would desire position... unworthy...

Alo: Precisely... it would be a sacrifice for anyone of good heart-walk-virtue... but, maybe, sometimes, temporarily needful... maybe, accept, own heart's need, to help others...