Alo and De Nature's Way

Alo and De Nature's Way #10

Alo and De Nature's Way

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 September 14, 2018

Jun: But why? Like father, he does not wish to know more than is necessary to know of the world... too much knowledge of words, it is harmful... it robs a person of their innocence... it dulls their life with many memories of things that are not useful of being known... except for things like Nature's way, little else is worthy of being known... and, so, why have you read so many books, and, why do you continue to read?

Alo: Oh... it has a long history, but I always wanted to communicate with other people, to share words together... but upon my realizing that my words could not convey the message that I wanted, I then began studying how people think... my assumption was that if I could learn why people believe the things that the people believe, then surely I could then know how to arrange my own words to be understood. I read all of the important books from North America, South America, Africa, and Europe... now I am reading the important books of Asia.

Jun: Then, your reading, it is not for learning the words, but for learning how the other people communicate?

Alo: Yes... my assumption was that if I could speak with similar phrases as what people use, then I could use the phrases to speak of Nature's way... that I could arrange my words to fit comfortably within phrases that are comfortable to other people. I was, of course, mistaken in my assumption... I discovered that most people only want to hear and to repeat the words of their books... the people do not want to hear anything more.

Jun: Then, it is important to you, to speak of Nature's way? Important enough to devote much of your life to the reading of books that themselves do not speak of Nature's way?

Alo: Yes... it is our inner nature to give... harmony cannot exist nor occur without giving... if I did not give, then my words of Nature's way would be hypocritical, and false.

Jun: That is true... and it is also a thing that I am lacking in...

Alo: De and I, we hope that you will find a better way of speaking of Nature's way... De and I, we have not had success, which means, that, either we are doing something wrong, or else, perhaps, the people may never be able to hear the words.

Jun: I wonder though... of the things that we have talked about, all of them have been very simple and easy to understand... what things have the people not understood?

Alo: My chuckle, it is a release of tensions... the things not understood, are, as if, everything. Some individuals grasped some of the words very quickly, but most people... no... the words were simply not heard. Pick a topic, any topic, and then attempt to talk about the topic... the people much too often insist that all words must agree with the words that the people had memorized from books. Take the example of grass... hold a single blade of grass in each hand... it is easy to recognize that the blades of grass are different... they are not equal, nor the same, nor identical. But, the people, they ignore what is seen and felt, and instead, they say that there are exactly two blades of grass.

Jun: Yes, within the language of mathematics, the statement would be true, and the concept of a duality of grass blades would also be true... the number of two is right for mathematics as well as being right of the mental concept, but not correct relative to what is real.

Alo: Correct... but the problem here, is that the people have come to believe that their invented concept and classification of numbers can accurately measure Nature, and the people sincerely do believe that all things of Nature can be discovered with numbers.

Jun: I smile, with the memories of the government school... the teacher was speaking about ethics... the teacher said that there were different types of ethics... normative ethics, applied ethics, virtue ethics, and several more... what was obvious, however, was that the teacher was speaking of invented classifications, not speaking of ethics, but still the teacher sincerely did believe that ethics could be known by memorizing the classifications of ethics.

Alo: Yes... it is often useful to mentally create classifications, such as for animals and mammals, but the classifications are not themselves a description nor a definition of the living beings themselves.

Jun: Then, is that similar to what you have experienced? That many people only wish to speak of classifications?

Alo: Yes... classifications of numbers, classifications of heavens, and classifications of most all other things... the people have their words, and the people do believe that memorizing the words is a full knowledge of all topics... the people can no longer recognize Reality... to the people, words are the only Reality.

Jun: But Nature is so obvious... Nature is not hidden... everyone can see and observe for themselves that Nature exists...

Alo: It is complicated... take the example of holding the blades of grass in each hand... among the first things was a reason to hold the grass... then a choice to hold the grass, then the physical act of holding the grass. Nature did not cease to exist when the reason arose, nor did Nature cease to exist when the choice and physical act were made... air continued to flow, you continued to breathe, your heart continued to beat, you continued to think, temperatures continued to change, sounds continued to change... of all the countless things that continued to exist all around us and throughout the universe, still, most people appear to only be conscious of 'two blades of grass'.

Jun: It is good to be able to focus on a topic... but too much focus, while not being capable of perceiving the other things that are occurring simultaneously, to me that sounds like a thinking problem.

Alo: The human creature is a peculiar one... all people have differing degrees of most all possible variables, but the interesting thing is that the majority of people tend to think that another person has a mental problem unless the other person thinks the same way as the people. People who have a strong belief in mathematics, for example, they believe that a person must have a mental problem if the person does not accept mathematics as a true measure of Nature, and the people get angry when another person sums quantities without mathematics. However, to those of us who know that numbers cannot describe blades of grass, to us the math believers have the thinking problem. As an example, almost all of the socialization and behavioral symptoms of the invented term 'autism' very clearly describe the behaviors of common people, but, to the common people themselves, they believe that they have no problem because most everyone else shares similar behaviors. The grass example... people who are overly fixated within the belief of mathematics, the people sincerely do believe that they can mathematically reduce a sequence of events... 'reductionism' they name it... and the people simply cannot grasp the reality that their mathematics cannot measure Nature, nor so much as measure a single tiny little event.

Jun: So, then, no quantity of reasoning with the people, could convince the people otherwise...

Alo: No... they are firmly set in their ways, and firmly set in their beliefs... no quantity of words and reasoning are able to wake the people from their slumber.

Jun: Two-dimensional... you had mentioned it before... most people, then, think two-dimensionally? In sequences? No parallel thoughts? No connections in-between points of reference?

Alo: Apparently, that is correct. I cannot image a person who thinks parallel thoughts to be able to believe in reductionism... but, all of the books I read, all of the books, all of them, bar none, all of them were written within the reductionist point of view... the ancient Asian books, however, lend hints of parallel thoughts, and that has caught my interest... plus, the ancient Asian books being of an era that was much more innocent in some ways, with closer ties to Nature, and deeper perceptions of Nature itself.

Jun: Then the ancient books, to me it sounds as if they might have been written by real humans... by people who could hold blades of grass without believing that the grass could be defined by the classification of numbers.

Alo: That is also close to my interpretation... Observe your own behavior when holding the blades of grass... what were your thoughts, and what were your actions?

Jun: Okay... after you said to hold the blades of grass, I then looked down at the grass, and as I chose to follow the idea of holding the grass, my mind retained thoughts of what you had said... I made the choice to perform the act of holding the blades of grass... as I reached down to hold the grass, my mind remained aware of and thinking about what you had said... I felt a curiosity of how my own actions might illustrate to me what your words had pointed to, and I also felt a concern and caring for the grass. I gently held the blades of grass as I continued to think of your words and the topic... I felt the grass in my hands, I felt the sharpness of the edges, I was aware of the edges having a pattern of sharp points... I was aware of the temperature around me as compared to the grasses' temperatures... one portion of my mind continued thinking of and analyzing the topic, another portion continued thinking about your words relative to my actions, another portion continued thinking about and analyzing the environment's ambiences, other portions continued thinking about and analyzing my own sensory perceptions, another portion was radiant with concern and affection for the grass itself, and of the numerous other portions that flowed simultaneously, including the mind forming memories of each process of thought, another portion was comparing and summing conclusions of all portions combined, and in the center, was my own consciousness, observing my mind and body in action.

Alo: And, so, what did you do that was uncommon?

Jun: Well, nothing that I know of... I just thought normal thoughts... nothing out of the ordinary.

Alo: Ordinary for our people yes... not common for other people.

Jun: Not common for other people? In what way?

Alo: Many, many ways... first, you did not harm the blades of grass... most people do not care, and the people rip the blades of grass from their root... most people do not possess a nature of caring. Also, except for very little, most people are never aware of what is felt, but the reason is because the people do not care to feel... even when seeing and touching, most people cannot know what exists in Nature because the people do not care for other people.

Jun: That is true... most people outside of our neighborhood, of the ones that I have seen, they are rough with Nature... they harm things, handle them roughly... killing things without caring.

Alo: Also, most of the people are not conscious of thinking... none will describe their thoughts like you did. If the people can describe any of their thoughts at all, the description will be tiny, narrow, shallow, and disconnected... two-dimensional. The people say that it is their 'subconscious' that does the actual thinking... their 'consciousness' is as if merely being the tiny vehicle that connects the people's inner subconscious with the people's outer environment... their consciousness does very little.

Jun: Oh... oh... no... really?

Alo: All of their books, all of the books, describe the people's thoughts that way. The global religion, its founders also spoke of consciousness that way. The teachers in the government schools, all of the teachers also taught the belief that all humans are identical with the same absence of conscious thought. The outsiders' masters, they also wrote of not being able to observe how their own emotions arise... none of the people could answer a question about the origins and natures of emotions also.

Jun: Then, if that is true, then... then how can the people think at all? What could they possibly think?

Alo: Actually, from what the books have described, and by what can be observed, the people can only think two-dimensionally... segments... point A and point B, with nothing in-between. To the people, they have memorized words, and they then recite the memorized words as they were trained to do in the government schools... but no analyzes occurred... no thinking occurred... tape recorders... the people merely recited unknown words while firmly believing that it was the right thing to do... the same way that they were given high grades for in the government schools. And so, you can better understand by comparing your own thoughts to what the books claim... our words, regardless of how many words we might speak, the people cannot grasp what the words point to, nor know what the words might mean, which is another symptom of autism.

Jun: Oh... and then, that better explains why most people cannot grasp what Nature's way is...

Alo: Correct... and one thing, an interesting thing... when your mind was analyzing and comparing the different portions of thoughts, what was occurring?

Jun: Each portion was, sort of, like a tone, an intensity, flowing curvatures, sometimes steady as a marker for other portions to use as a base of reference, sometimes in rapid movement... the weighing of portions, is, as, curvatures... ratios of curvatures... countless ratios flowing simultaneously, and where the ratios harmonize within set patterns and partial ratios, as if, like, fractals within fractals... then that is where the sums occur... when ratios reach a very specific flow within the sphere of thoughts, that is when the consciousness... my center of self... also observes the sums, and approves or disapproves of how the sums might be expressed outwardly.

Alo: 'Heavens nascent, it call nature. Ratio nature, it call way. Create way, it call standard'.

Jun: Yes, that makes sense... the Source created all things, and so, a nature of Source is therefore creativity. The ratio nature is the way of creating things. And, the create way, it is the standard of all-everything in Creation... the only correct way, is Nature's way... Nature's way is creative, and creativity occurs through flowing ratios, just like what we perceive within all living and non-living things.

Alo: Ah, but my words, are translations of the first sentences of one of the ancient books'... to you, De, and I, the words are easy, simple, elementary, but not simple to most people. Other English translations always give unreasonable interpretations... interpretations that say odd things like 'heavens confer', 'path of duty', 'regulation of path', and 'instruction' instead of standard. And where you used the word 'center' to infer an inner center of harmony, the other people interpret the ancient word 'zhong' to mean a mathematically-measured 'external balance' of a master-slave relationship that has no harmony.

Jun: Oh... but, the words you had given, they made sense to me... but the ideas of duties, regulations, and instructions, those can only be relevant to external things, never to internal things... and too, the center is as the observer... all perceptions and all thoughts occur around the inner observer... an external measure is what the mind analyzes of externally-sensed things... zhong, therefore, as used in the context, cannot rationally imply an external measurement.

Alo: Agreed, but, unfortunately, that is precisely how most people interpret the ancient words, that of the people believing that the words point to external things, and not to internal things... the people literally cannot distinguish the difference between 'inner center prior to the mind's activity' and 'the external center of objects mathematically measured by the mind'.

Jun: Then that further substantiates what you had seen in all of the other books from nations outside of Asia... the books very clearly confirm, that the authors could only think very narrow, very tiny, and very flat thoughts, and could not observe their own minds.

Alo: Yes... and that is one of the many reasons of why most people have no interest in Nature's way, and especially no interest in chidao. The people recite their words about Nature's laws, but almost no one cares of what the words mean... not care for other people, not care for Nature, and not even care for themselves.