Alo and De Force

Alo and De Force #76

Alo and De Force

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 November 27, 2018

Tom: There is very little gossip amongst our people, but sometimes people whisper about Alo and De. I hadn't seen it before, until now. Sitting there where the grasses are greenest, for almost an hour, in front of each other, legs folded like the yoga position, holding hands, staring at each other... who knows how long they were like that before we arrived. But still, whatever it is that they're doing, I don't understand.

Morning Dove: Yes, gossip is bad, always bad for everyone... causes people to imagine wrong things... causes blame of innocent people... but, De and Alo, that is their way when alone on their land... sometimes, for hours, sometimes for days... winter months indoors, maybe weeks... please always be patient, it is their way, and life... their choice...

Jun: When Yan and I approached them, De whispered... 'moment'... time passes quickly for them...

Yan: Jun and I have attempted similar... we cannot maintain focus for long... a few minutes maybe, but not longer... Alo and De, after holding hands, sometimes takes days before they can again speak much in public...

Jun: Extreme love... expressed to the other... very wonderful...

Yan: Our people naturally feel another's heart when embracing... I think, maybe, Alo and De can feel hearts from a further distance...

Tom: Maybe sort of like some city people saying that they could feel another person's aura? Common for our people, but not always very strong.

Yan: Perhaps, in a way like a person's warmths of body radiance... but different... comes from heart, not body...

Morning Dove: They are standing now... ought to be here soon...

Tom: I now more appreciate Alo and De speaking to us. To take them away from their happiness, it's surely a sacrifice for them, and I feel guilty for not giving an equal sacrifice in return.

Yan: Yes... it is, a manner of sacrifice... but, their hearts... they could not choose to not help people... cannot choose to not care about other people...

Morning Dove: Alo, De, thank you for speaking to us...

Tom: Yes, thank you both. I very much appreciate what you do for us.

Alo: Hello, Morning Dove, Tom... thank you... and sorry, Yan, Jun... for making you wait...

De: Yes... thank you... and sorry...

Yan: Alo, I had previously spoken with Morning Dove and Tom, about benevolence... they had asked about ingredients... wondering, if, benevolence might be able to be taught, one ingredient at a time...

Morning Dove: Within our question, was to ask which ingredients should be attained first... what sequence might be favored?

Alo: ... Love... hurt, love... care, for other people... give, love...

Morning Dove: Hurt love?

Yan: A love, that aches... literally aches... heart muscle, sore... hurts... but not hurt when full and given...

Morning Dove: I apologize... I am still unsure of what a love like that might be like...

Yan: Jun and I, we have experienced some... but tiny, compared to theirs...

Jun: Eyes water... happiness... happiness for another's happiness... no desires... no wish for self... giving all... nothing held back... strong force flows outward...

Morning Dove: Then, nothing like the normal descriptions of love...

Yan: Yes... very different... cannot imagine, until, experienced...

Tom: In the city, the people said that love is selfish... all desires.

Yan: Yes, that is the normal way, for normal people...

Alo: Sequence... yes... ... ... not can attain, by following...

De: Daodeai... become...

Morning Dove: Way of love... you have spoken of it before...

Yan: Everyone's life, is different... has, different beginnings... sequences, then, also different... quality of love, then, also different...

Jun: When, radiant... then near... beginning...

Yan: Yes... creativity has no boundaries... no final tone of love... love has no boundary, except, of course, the body's ability to survive strength...

Morning Dove: Radiance... like what you had spoken of, when describing benevolence?

Yan: Yes... emitted... direction, aimed, outward... flows to another person...

Tom: Sounds to be extremely uncommon.

Yan: Very... and more uncommon to be able to maintain for long... ancients spoke of similar... 'Master say: I not-yet meet many benevolence person, (only meet) evil, not benevolence person. Fake-appearance benevolence person, not-have cease, still him evil. Not benevolence person, his fake benevolence (-carry) not send. Not benevolence person add-to (similar), (is-as) his own-moral-character. Have ability, one day, apply his force of benevolence, (similar) I have-not met. Force not abundant person, hide be him, I have-not him meet also.'

Jun: We know, who can... and who cannot...

Yan: Yes... very rare to meet a person who can remain benevolent a whole day... paraphrased, the ancient said that he had not met many people like that... instead, he had mostly only met evil people... 'wrong-behavior' people. Some people put on a fake face of pretending to be benevolent, and though going through the motions of benevolence never ceases, still the behavior is evil, and too, the fake person's benevolence does not send, does not radiate. Fake benevolence people, their fake behavior adds more bad to their existing bad moral character... for a person to have the ability to apply his force of outward benevolence for a full day, the ancient said that he had never met such a person. People whose force is not abundant, and yet able to hide his not being abundant, the ancient had never met such a person also. People cannot hide their fake face of pretending to be benevolent... the absence of emitting benevolence, cannot be hidden.

Jun: Fake faces... fake voices... fake mannerisms...

Yan: Yes... fake men on stages, claiming to be of love, compassion, and benevolence... the men's voices and mannerisms prove the claims to be false. I also have never met a man, whose fake benevolence can be hidden.

Morning Dove: Then, the ancient words... commonsense to us...

Yan: Yes...

Tom: And the sequence, there is no set pattern?

Yan: No... begin where a person stands... then, create what is missing... add, where ingredients harmonize...

Alo: ... 'Zi Lu inquire force. Master say: Southward direction, it force, take-part-in northward direction, it force take-part-in press-down, as-well-as force take-part-in wide. Pliable because behavior-expressed-to-learn-from not announce, not way southward direction. It force also, junzi live-possess-use it. So junzi calm, and not drift, force begin straighten-out. Center stand, and not rely-on force begin straighten-out'...

De: Force, of reasoning, south... multiply... center, stand center... not straighten-out...

Alo: Feel, force, of, feeling south... multiply, felt force... countless, times... direct force, towards person... center, unchangeable... but outward force, is willed... chosen... given... tone of benevolence force, becomes, real... wide... deep... sphere... strong...

De: Center, benevolent, be force... outward force, become, benevolence...

Alo: Centered people... benevolent, all day...