Alo and De Feet Ground

Alo and De Feet Ground #55

Alo and De Feet Ground

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 November 04, 2018

Yan: Little spooky... I read some of your old writings, written long before you learned of the ancients' writings... sometimes you repeat similar words... make the ground under one's feet better... you had used the older words to point to how outsiders whimper about earth's pollution, that was caused by the outsiders themselves, but none of the outsiders will give effort to cleanse the soil under their own feet... but you also spoke of one's own inner nature causing one's ground to reflect one's nature... reciprocation... Nature's creativity... and then, I saw similar words by the ancients... 'Mindfulness, benevolence, brave, three person-ist heaven below, him attain goodness also, place according-to behavior him, person-ist one also'.

Alo: If a thing is correct once, then it has always been correct... Nature does not change... if a thing is judged with the standard of Nature, then what was correct thousands of years ago, is still correct today... my words, merely point to a similar obviousness as what the ancients wrote...

De: Mindfulness, of people, and earth... benevolence, of people, and earth... brave, of speaking honest... all correct behaviors...

Alo: I am not comfortable with the 'brave' word... to me, there is no felt bravery... bravery, to me, for myself, perhaps, simply does not exist... not an emotion... to me, facing a wild animal, knowing a fight must exist, not brave, just what exists and must be done... the choice and determination to do what is necessary... logical. Nevertheless, yes, mindfulness and benevolence are necessary ingredients, regardless of what manner of good might exist, or be aimed for... perhaps, in that sense, yes, brave in the way of doing the correct thing, what must be done... accepting responsibility for one's own life...

Yan: Accepted... but, I am curious... and though I know to not pry, still, there were many other older writings... coincidences happen, sometimes uncanny, sometimes spooky, but there was not reason to assume the similar things to be more than coincidences... some, things, however, could not be coincidences... cannot give names, places, events, personalities of people long passed... but the names and details, written, evidence...

Alo: Caution... west of the ancients, is a culture, from which arrived a dao... their dao is of hunger... their dao says that people who follow the culture's dao, will, eternally, as a non-physical soul, experience the human body's physical emotion of bliss.

De: Nature rules man... soul cannot be body...

Alo: Precisely... which nullifies the culture's dao... Nature is the standard... a thing that does not agree with Nature's way, is false... incorrect... cannot happen. The culture's dao, it also says to destroy one's senses... escape suffering while somehow still expressing compassion... the knowing, to give compassion, requires, the knowing of why compassion is to be given, which, the knowing itself, of what is suffering, is itself a form of suffering... the dao says to destroy one's mind... become, empty... as-if hum at wall, over, and over, and over. In recent centuries, an outsider read a tiny book... the book briefly spoke of the culture's dao... the outsider believed that his own philosophy was the same, or very similar, as the culture's dao... the outsider, he then wrote his own book, speaking of how great he was for having already been living the culture's dao long before the outsider had read the tiny book about the culture's dao.

De: People, often believe, that all people are same...

Alo: Again agreed... people too easily assume that their thoughts must be identical to everyone else's thoughts... believe that everyone is identical of soul, identical of heart, identical of body, identical of emotions, identical of mind, and identical of life. About a hundred years ago, an east man, known around the world, venerated as a math god, he read the outsider's book... the east man began to claim that he also knew everything about the culture's dao, because he had read the outsider's book of words. Observe... easy to leap to conclusions... without firsthand experience, it is not possible to know anyone's dao... no one, living today, can know the ancients' culture... all guesses... all speculations... we interpret the ancients' culture, by how our present culture exists... we do not share similar concepts as the ancients'... their concepts were formed upon a lifetime of living within their culture... it, is, not possible, for us, today, to feel, and to conceptualize, accurately, what the ancients themselves felt, and conceptualized...

De: To feel, another's heart... still is not, a knowing of their life... scent of emotions, describe, in part, life... tone of voice, describes, in part, life... but still, cannot know what cannot be smelled, nor heard, nor felt...

Alo: Deeply agreed... Yan, my love for De is tremendous... aches constantly... her love for me, is unreasonably tremendous... unearned... think of your own love for Jun... the ancients, they had love... they had emotions... their emotions, were different than ours... to choose words, when writing... emotions accompany the words... the emotions, define the words... same word, is not same meaning...

Yan: Yes, I am beginning to see, or, I think I am... like one of your old writings... one, two, three... nine, six, three... the sum is three, but the purpose and method, was different... same number, different direction, different sum...

Alo: Yes, very good... words are similar... coincidences will happen, often... not because same heart, but, because Nature's way has boundaries... many people have used the phrase 'woven strings'... the concept is similar for all... but, look at the night skies... only one word... 'stars'. Concepts, as many as stars... but only one word... the coincidence, is merely a result of too few options of words...

Jun: De... Alo's stroll...

De: My giggle, sorry... but, yes... long stroll... his face, and eyes, to the heavens, whistling as if innocent...

Alo: Ha! Did I not answer? Begin one's dao, by first cleansing the earth under one's own feet! Do not dirty one's ground by believing that sameness of words must imply sameness of meaning!

Yan: Ha! That is what I was wondering! Ha! A thousand words, many answers, but not the answer for my question! Evidence! That was my question!

Alo: (whistling)