Alo and De Evil

Alo and De Evil #31

Alo and De Evil

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 October 08, 2018

De: Jun has again been gone a long time... our visits here, are fewer... slowly the troubling thoughts are fading... I am nearing a time of again choosing to no longer dwell upon words...

Alo: Me also... the ancient books have been very useful, especially for Jun, but, I also am ready to return to the way we were...

De: Yes, useful, to help Jun... prod her just a little, but then let her find her path... the old words, I believe they helped.

Alo: It has been my own judgement, that it is proper to help others, even if I know that I myself might be harmed... caring for other people, does not stop just because I might feel uncomfortable... to me, it has been proper to help Jun... her happiness, is important to both of us.

De: Yes... care... endure a little time... the benefit is a lifetime...

Alo: It is not always an easy choice, but, still it is a choice that we cannot walk away from... 'Quality man leave benevolence, evil is-as become winner'... 'Quality man leave caring, evil becomes winner'... and there, the old writings... very true, and one of the reasons of why we endure a little time... to say no to Jun, then evil would win... it is selfish to not share... it is callous to think only of ourselves, while knowing that another person will suffer without the little help...

De: Yes, and though both of us recognize the harm that the words have done to us, still, look... which of us could retain our love and respect for the other, if either of us told Jun no? No, these are among the inner traits that we value and find to be of beauty within each other... we could not endure a moment with anyone who would not similarly help... the little pains slowly ebb, as love and trust strengthens...

Alo: A long time ago, I watched a portion of a video... the video was of a man sitting in a chair on a stage, while in the audience were around fifty other individuals, most all of whom were local city leaders of their own systems of belief, also most all of which wore the robes and uniforms of their beliefs. It was interesting to me that the man on the stage was placed within a seat of authority, as if he were the sole judge of the discussions between him and the other individuals, and, the audience also spoke to him with tones of voice that described the individuals as having accepted the man to be an authority over themselves, as well as an authority over their own systems of belief. I did not watch much... just a few minutes was all... but the topic of discussion was of morality, of good and bad, and of what the word 'evil' meant. I saw and heard the men speak... the man on the stage was said to have been a biologist, and one of the world's top leaders of his system of belief...

De: Oh, and so, then, the audience, they believed the man to be knowledgeable, because the man's own system of belief is popularly believed to be the sole source of truth... yes, that is common... all known religions bow to the man's religion, which in doing, nullifies the other religions... yes, the contradictions are bizarre, but common...

Alo: Correct... the odd thing, to me, was that none of the people in the video knew what the word 'morality' means... nor of what is good, bad, and evil... all of the individuals quoted words from their books... none of the people spoke reason.

De: My sigh, it is for how people continue to quote book words... the same words that have been spoken countless times for thousands of years, and still the debates continue... the people still have not realized that quoting words does not answer anything... never has, never will...

Alo: Agreed... in the video, my attention shifted to focus on the people's tones of voice, facial expressions, and body language... the audience, their voices were often as if pleading to the man on stage... the audience, their voices were nervous, subservient, as if hoping for the man's approval... none in the audience stood with confidence...

De: And the man on the stage, he remained seated, did he not?

Alo: Yes... he remained seated in his throne, the audience had to stand in his presence.

De: Prearranged... without yet hearing more, to me, the video's description sounds as if all had been prearranged, perhaps for the man's vainglory...

Alo: Very possible... I myself questioned whether the alleged local leaders were truly employed in their systems of faith, or whether they may have simply been hired actors, taken from the streets and given costumes as is often done for game shows, but, to give the benefit of doubt to the video makers, I let the question go... but the stronger portion of the video was of the stage man speaking with hateful tones, haughty tones... his voice, his facial expressions, his body language, all of it described a callous man, narcissistic, a believer in his own superiority... to me, it appeared that he truly believed that he possessed the ultimate knowledge, and that no one could know more than him... and yet, he too could not answer what a moral is, nor what evil might be.

De: A man whose specialty is the human body, but still he knew nothing useful of the body, nor of Nature... normal...

Alo: Yes, very normal... thousands of years of philosophical debates without finding an answer, and still people expect another philosophical debate will solve the question...

De: The people have no unchangeable standard... their standards change by the moment...

Alo: Yes... and I very quickly lost interest in the video... to me, all of the behavior by the people was inappropriate... leaders, followers, believers of words, subservience... the behaviors were incorrect, not creative, not of harmony... the behaviors were what I might give the word 'immoral' to... the people's choices to behave morally or immorally, I might give the word 'ethic' to... the stage man's choices, and behaviors, he was the root of the group's disharmony... he caused the audience and all who watched, to be permanently harmed by the hurtful way... the harm will now continue into the audience's future generations... to cause pain, to cause emotional distress, to cause disharmony, to cause subservience, to cause destruction of life, to sit upon a stage and puff one's self up to be as a god to rule over other men, to me, I might give the behavior the word 'evil'.

De: Root of Source, creativity... Nature's standard, creativity... logic, creativity... evil, destruction... if a word might be useful for a human behavior of causing destruction, of a human behavior that acts against Nature's standard, then, yes, 'evil' is adequate enough... but, still, there again, choosing a word for a behavior, again the act lowers the question down into the level of philosophy...

Alo: True... the word 'evil' was invented without the inventor knowing what 'evil' means... the word was born without meaning, and no quantity of philosophical debates can now find meaning in a word that has never had meaning.

De: Perhaps the ancient sentence's concept is good enough... where caring ceases, evil begins...