Alo and De Discern

Alo and De Discern #63

Alo and De Discern

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 November 10, 2018

Alo: Years ago, I was curious of an odd thing... when people have experienced a thing themselves, then the people can describe the thing from the firsthand point of view... but, almost never could I find an outsider writing that spoke of firsthand experience. Nature is standard... all things are judged by Nature's way... if a man says that rocks fly in skies, Nature's way tells us that the man's claim is not true... we judge all things, relative to Nature's way. When people make fantastic claims, we can look at Nature, and discern whether the claims can be true...

Yan: Agreed... like, outsiders saying that this Reality came into existence from only two things... binary... Nature's way, says that the claim cannot possibly ever be true...

Alo: Yes... and so I chose to create a little experiment... I asked people to describe what it was like for the people to experience the fantastic things in their own lives... the answers, of course, were not given from a firsthand point of view... the answers, were like words in school books... speaking of things seen from the outside, not from the inside... very obvious. Age of meat... how long can meat sit in the open, before the meat begins to smell, and taste, to be rotting?

Yan: Well, to me, the smells and tastes are immediate... a steady progression from alive to total decay... the curve of decay, where the curve of aromas describe where bacteria and cellular decay have reached a ratio, that to us is sensed to be unhealthy, that, there is when we usually think of meat as being rotten... unfit to eat... taste is similar, of curves and ratios... depending on health when alive, and room temperatures, and other variables... my estimate is that meat has reached a level of being rotten within about an hour to four when sitting in a warm room... similar for vegetables and fruits, but some foods spoil faster, or slower, than other foods... pealed apples fast... potatoes slow...

Alo: Accepted... you can describe how senses perceive rotten... now, what happens when circulation of blood to your foot is cut-off, and then renewed?

Yan: Pain... strong tingling... surely most everyone has experienced a similar thing, what is often called 'a foot going to sleep'.

Alo: Again, so obvious... so easy... almost everyone, it would seem, has had similar firsthand experiences, and can describe the experiences as viewed from their own experience... but, now, an experience of my own, to be used as a contrast... when I was fourteen, I experienced what I believed was the death of the body... I will not go into detail, but, after a time, my 'I' chose to attempt to revive the body... two attempts before the body did revive... among the first things felt was a strong and painful tingling throughout the body... renewed blood circulation... also tasted rotting flesh... rotten far beyond what I would eat of meat... if the experience had merely been a dream of dying, then I should not have experienced the tingling, nor the tastes... to me, the tingling and taste were commonsense effects of having revived... maybe I had not fully died, maybe just had the heart stop or beat very gently for a long time... not enough blood pressure to circulate throughout the whole body... either way, I can describe the experience from a firsthand point of view. But now, in the books I had been reading, people were claiming that they had died... some had been dead for several hours, some for a day or more... but here, none, absolutely none of the claims spoke of tingling, nor of rotting flesh...

Yan: Aha, yes... perhaps some people might not think it to be important to mention the tingling, but surely most people would...

Alo: My thoughts also... for me, the tingling was painful, very painful... all over the body... the first breath was a gasp inhale... but all of the outsiders merely spoke of their souls returning to their bodies, and then their bodies merely sat up without discomfort, nor with stench of rotting... and so, to me, perhaps the people had had a dream, or perhaps something similar, but to me, I did not see any evidence that their claims could be true... we discern right from wrong, by what we ourselves can see in Nature... if dead meat sits in a warm room for hours, then it must have the taste and smell of decay... Nature makes it that way... if blood circulation stops for hours, and then is renewed, then there must likely always be felt pain of circulation... Nature makes it that way...

Yan: Agreed... discern what can be possible, by what Nature permits to be possible...

Alo: And there, the ancient books, they speak of Nature's way... the ancients spoke of what can be seen to be true in Nature... but the outsiders' translations, are imaginary, not real, not lived, not experienced, words spoken from the outside... fantastic claims that cannot be true...

Yan: I was thinking about other claims also... outsiders once said that other people lived on the moon, but when men flew to the moon and did not see moon people, the outsiders then said that the moon people actually live on Mars... when men sent probes to Mars, and did not see Mars people, the outsiders then claimed that the Mars people lived on a more distant planet... further and further away do the outsiders' claims go... the pattern, is often used by all outsider beliefs... when a thing is proven untrue, the outsiders then invent ad hoc excuses... always inventing new fantastic claims that are increasingly far away and less easy to be seen and proven as untrue...

Jun: Pathological beliefs again...

Yan: Precisely...

Alo: Similar, is, the outsiders, not able to see Nature's way... Nature's way is far from outsiders... similar fantastic claims, the outsiders believing that their claims cannot be seen to be untrue...