Alo and De Compound

Alo and De Compound #98

Alo and De Compound

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 December 25, 2018

Yan: The old master's writings, are still very interesting to me... one portion, similar to, 'compound fate call constant'... the original text's words might have implied something different, but I can only see the word 'compound' to give meaning to the sentence...

Alo: Yes, interesting... if words correct, then know chidao...

Yan: Yes... and if so, then again the old man was more aware of Nature's way than today's outsiders... all things, are composed, of other things... compound many, to create one... chidao...

Alo: Fate... concept... Source nascent Nature... nascent create sequence... sequence not change... Nature not change... fate not change...

Yan: Yes... 'constant form, be common'... oh, so many interesting words, not easy to choose from... 'great path abandon, benevolence adopt knowledge, arise great false'... so very true, and so very much like today's world...

Alo: There... the old man... speak of compound... speak path, benevolence... people still leave... believe knowledge supreme... not recognize false...

Yan: Yes... oh, another one, similar to... 'good walk not rut footprint'... similar to what we talked about before... but I have been stumped a long time on one paragraph... regardless of how I arrange and choose the modern words, I cannot find meaning... I carry the paper with the words, and look at the words often... still no meaning found...

Alo: Show me...

Yan: Here, the paper... it shows the original words, plus definitions, plus my attempts to translate...

Alo: Your writings good... bone structure good... ribs, balanced widths... head of topic... backbone to hip... all connected good... rib curves good... modern words bad... I write answer...

Yan: Oh! So simple! So obvious! It now makes perfect sense to me!

Alo: Modern words flat... ancient words sphere... create sphere words... answer now easy...

Yan: Precisely! And this parallels what we have talked about so many times before... modern words, are like two-dimensional, no depth, no height, just, point A to point B, but here, you created sequences that relate to real things...

Alo: Choose close word... give word curve... continue curve touch... full around meaning... real life meaning...

Yan: But now the old man's words have themselves come alive! Almost like the difference between a photograph and the real person!

Alo: Yes... actually close similar... one is flat... the other, alive...

De: May I see?

Alo: Yes... also let Jun...

De: This is good... also gives explanations... but, last part... not relate wuji...

Alo: True... I noticed that... still okay plain... not many know...

De: Words right after... not right before... but, yes... okay...

Jun: I see the words relate to the reductionism that was spoken of before... is this not the begin?

De: No, it after... before, it restrict... although, not really...

Alo: Three, not alone... must have more... more restrict some... more make three... three has fate... more, Source root... more, no fate...

De: More still remains... cannot see, measure... but still here... must be here... else Nature disappear...

Alo: Yes, quite true... three words obvious... not obvious outsiders... similar pattern here... Nature follow Source... Source not three... cannot be three...

Yan: Ha! Any hints of what you two are talking about?

Alo: Not easy describe... unable know all... but, like, warp... many exist first... unknown cause warp... warp births three... birth three easy... cause warp unknowable... root continues, weave... chidao like root... chidao weave, create...

Yan: You, just used words like are in the old man's writings... but I already know that you have spoken and written of similar for many years, long before you first discovered the ancients' writings... just, coincidence?

Alo: If true now... then always true... not copy words... just, same chidao... just, different voices...

Yan: Accepted... we 'fist fist to bosom' to not follow anyone... it is strong in our hearts, and unable to be changed...

Jun: A little spooky to me that we often chat about a topic, and then later read of the same topic... like as if, sensing the topic's approach...

Yan: Yes, sometimes spooky to me also... but, of course, like Alo has said, if a topic is correct, then our reasonings ought to lead to similar conclusions... not necessarily precognition, just, simple logic, and, the need to use a language that has so few useful words...

Alo: Good enough excuse... ha!

Yan: Ha!

Jun: I feel like Ci... 'Hui, hear one reason, aware-of ten... Ci, hear one reason, aware-of two'...

De: I see, different... one good reason... not need more... you stand, walk... strong, bright, right...

Alo: I agree...

Yan: Me also... knowing, is merely knowing... walking a straight path, is far beyond what knowing is capable...

Alo: Agreed... strength of character... walk long hardship... retain straight path... worthy of honor...

Yan: We four, each of us are so different than each other, but also so similar in some ways... like, as if, colors of songs... beautiful music to hear and see... but each song, is beauty being expressed in different ways... 'ten-thousand things' Nature gives birth to... each, beautiful... if only one beauty existed, then could not be beautiful... the old man spoke of similar... 'good it take-part badness, mutually remove, how?'...

Alo: Songs of four... root of one... cannot dissect chidao...

Yan: But here, once again our chats have entered into topics that relate to outsiders' beliefs... one, on my mind, is a teaching that claims that following the system of belief will enable the follower to attain an awareness of the true nature of Reality... the same teaching also claims that everyone is equal, claims that everyone suffers misery, and that the awareness can arrive instantaneously... the system of belief has countless other teachings as well, and not one of the teachings are aware of Nature's way... the teachings teach one love, one compassion, one awareness, one bliss, one purpose, one goal...

Alo: Sounds like problem... sounds like... chidao used wrong...

Yan: Yes, many problems throughout... none of the teachings agree with the others... and yes, the teachings combine the many bad outward behaviors, and create an inward confusion... the created thing is not beautiful... no, beautiful music, no beautiful colors... music, sour... color, ugly... the teachings cannot leave Nature's way even if wanted, even if necessary... the teachings, and the following of teachings, still must obey Nature's rule of combining things to create a new thing... the teachings combine the wrong things, cause a wrong thing to be birthed.

Jun: Like the old man's words... 'not know compound, absurd compose terrible'...

Yan: Yes, good parallel... the ancient 'terrible' word is of a hole or container with blades inside, showing aggressive action... destructive... has numerous modern synonyms that include evil, fierce, bad, and violence. The concept, then, is that the absurd, or 'fantastic, false, foolish', thing is destructive, harmful... like Alo said, the chidao creates a bad thing... foolish fantastic teachings combine to create a foolish fantastic creature...

Jun: And no thinking allowed...

Yan: Yes, precisely... teachings say to only think what the teachings permit... not permitted to analyze... not permitted to reason... just demanded to obey, and follow...

Alo: If a man, cannot describe, the flux in-between all things, then the man cannot begin to be aware of the nature of Reality... the men's claims are false...

Yan: Very precisely true, and also, the men claim to perfectly understand things that they themselves have not experienced firsthand... we four here, each have a different history, different longings, different sufferings... we know that it is impossible for us to know each other's lives, and impossible to feel the same emotions... and yet some men, who have never felt common forms of suffering, claim to know what suffering is... frauds, all frauds, their speaking of emotions that they themselves have never had, nor are able to have, but still the men insist that they are omniscient, able to know everyone's heart and mind... frauds...

Alo: Hole, blades, violence... look, teachings' words... cut holes, beauty... compound many false... create, great destruction...

De: Beautiful chi dao, bright love... ugly chi dao, dark destruction...

