Alo and De Compose

Alo and De Compose #103

Alo and De Compose

(PD) Alo and De Lake on Land.

Larry Neal Gowdy

Copyright ©2018 December 30, 2018

Yan: The ancient old man, for a time I had again walked away from his writings... our dictionaries, often do not appear to provide meaningful synonyms of ancient words, and so, the old man's writings, then, sometimes also appeared to not hold meaning. But, I ventured back into the book... translated the next paragraph, and I was pleased with what the old man had written. Much of the wording was similar to our own people's way of phrasing... like, 'be and become'... but the old man again spoke of compounds, of composing ingredients, and, also, spoke of a very interesting description... of, choice...

Alo: Similar? Chidao?

Yan: Appears similar... here, a paper with the paragraph...

Alo: This is actually quite good... but this... the mention of a king and nobleman protecting... oh, the roof and village...

Yan: Yes, the ancient symbol infers protection... carry concept over and into other concepts... then has more meaning... meaning, more clear...

Alo: Yes, much more clear... the use of the ancient symbol, does carry more meaning... again, actually quite good... and, your translation, also very good...

Yan: Thank you, but, I merely copy words... merely, assemble words... fit puzzle...

Alo: Ah, but, cannot fit puzzle, if not know pieces...

Yan: My chuckle... yes... true...

Alo: 'Way constant, nothing be, and nothing not become'... the paragraph starts good... obvious way, although not a known way to outsiders...

Yan: Yes, we could say 'nothing be, and nothing not be', but that would weaken, and cheapen, and not agree with the following sentences' meanings...

Alo: Agreed... here, 'king similar, ability protect it'... has no rational meaning in modern societies, but, if interpreted as roof over village, and, then, combined with the other sentences, then has great meaning...

Yan: Agreed... if not first know the symbol's root, as well as know the concept of chidao, then I would not have felt comfortable with the sentence...

Alo: 'To-become and desire compose, I will compose it, have nothing name, it plain'... having previously talked about 'plain', we now better understand what the words likely mean... again, the words appear to parallel chidao...

Yan: I was pleased when reading the words... brought to me, memories, of what you had said... if a thing is correct today, then it has always been correct... new words, not new... finding a correct thing today, could also have been found thousands of years ago... Nature never changes... always constant... always, composing...

Alo: And there, again... if we did not already know what 'composing' means, then we could not interpret the old man's words, with meaning... this is good, and it also helps better explain some of the other ancient author's words...

Yan: I agree...

Alo: This last sentence... my heart feels warmth... 'non-desire have calm, heaven below will oneself decide'... I believe that this might be the very first time I have ever read another person's writings about 'choice'... or, perhaps, having been written so clearly...

Yan: I have a similar opinion for myself... it was very good to me, to see a man, say, that a person must choose their own choice... not, just, follow what someone else says to do...

Alo: Yes... very rare... almost, unheard of today... but here, also... 'nothing name it plain, man also will nothing desire'... yes, outsiders have no desire to choose, a thing, that appears plain... outsiders not understand why... not know how... not care... sentence structure might could imply different direction, but still, the words are valid, either direction...

Yan: To speak of compose... very alien to outsiders... outsiders, believe, that plain is a singularity... all outsiders' writings, prove, that all outsiders do not know compose... prove, all outsiders, believe, in solids... and sames...

Alo: Highest topmost most venerated outsiders, still not know compose... ah, but, that is their way, not ours...

Yan: What is your opinion of the words near the bottom of the paper?

Alo: Not sure... why, a nursery rhyme? Words do not share similar pattern as yours... different voice...

Yan: Yes, not my words...

Alo: Then, why here? Oh... pattern... east man?

Yan: Yes... my chuckles... releasing disharmony of east man's words...

Alo: Seriously? This is what the east man wrote? A nursery rhyme? Ha! Oh... so... off in a different world...

Yan: Apparently, the east man did not understand what the old man wrote about, so, the east man merely made stuff up... his, invention, mirrored his own mind...

Alo: Oh, so not good... first words, title of paragraph... 'the exercise of government'... each word gets worse than before... then, plummets further into a nursery rhyme...

Yan: It appeared to me, that the east man, not knowing the topic, likely struggled with the words... not, necessarily a personal problem, but, the absence of knowledge resulted in absurdities... and the absurdities themselves would also not be a problem, if it were not, for the east man's translation having been presented to the public... personal mistake, okay... present, mistake as truth, not okay...

Alo: Him not know puzzle... cannot fit pieces... but, once again, the east man's translation, expresses outsiders' cultures, of abusive governments, master-slave relationships, tyranny, hunger, selfishness... with a complete absence of self-betterment... yes, an outsider culture... all thought is of external things, with no thought of self-value...

Yan: Agreed... also makes outsiders' words appear to be as little children's words... oh, reminds me... I translated a sentence of the main author's words, and then, when reading what the east man wrote, I saw that his translation was very similar to my own... I was then deeply concerned that my translation must be wrong. Ha!

Alo: Ha! Yes, if words agree with east man's words, then reason to suspect problem... that is funny!

Yan: Very much agreed... but here, to me, this is very pleasing, to see the old ancient man, speak of compose... also, of choice... much like our own way... choose, good ingredients... compose, ingredients... create, nameless thing... be, and then become, nameless thing...

Alo: Yes... if, correct ingredients, then, enables harmony... harmony, then, creates new... chidao...

Yan: Main author of ancient texts... I, am, still debating how to best interpret a sentence... the sentence, is like, 'able-to aware-of virtue person-ist, rare'... regardless of which synonyms are chosen, the underlying concept remains that it is rare for an individual to be able to be aware of what 'virtue' is... rarity very common today, almost universal... apparently, similar, for ancient culture also...

Alo: To not know ingredients of virtue, then, not aware, not conscious, not observe self... not compose ingredients... then, not become virtue... not can know meaning of the word 'virtue'...

Yan: Then, also, also means, outsiders do not choose, do not compose, and, do not walk-virtue... not know benevolence... not know, Nature's way...

Alo: Yes... outsiders, compose, many bad ingredients... compose, selfish... with hunger... with vanity... with laziness... with unthinking... destructive ingredients, composed, destructive lives...

Yan: By choice...

Alo: Yes...